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Softail's Famous Pork Roast

Discussion in 'Roadkill Cafe - From Kill to Grill' started by Hot01, Apr 29, 2008.

  1. Hot01

    Hot01 Active Member

    May 17, 2004
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    Northern Colorado
    On my stepmom site my screen name is Softail. We've had a couple of get togethers where I've made this pork roast. Everyone loves it, even the ex.

    Boneless pork loin - around 3 pounds
    Onion soup mix - 1 package
    Olive oil (or whatever kind you have)
    hot water

    Cover the bottom of a dutch oven with oil, maybe about a quarter inch deep, and start heating it on medium high. Preheat the oven to 360. Heat some water up in a kettle or pan or whatever is available to you. Dump the onion soup mix onto a plate. Add about half a cup of flour and mix it up. Trim all the fat from the pork loin and rinse it off. Roll it in the flour mixture. Brown the pork loin on all sides, then take it out and set it aside.

    Here's the tricky part. If you know how to make gravy, make it with the oil in the pan and the flour/onion soup mix and the hot water. If you don't, ask your wife. Just kidding. You want a one-to-one mixture with the flour and the oil. So hopefully you'll have close to half a cup of the flour mixture. You might need to add more oil. Add the flour mixture to the oil and whisk it. If you have the right proportion, you should get a paste. If you have too much flour mixture you'll get little pea shaped things, but that's fine. Add some hot water and mix a little at a time until you have gravy. Throw the pork loin in the gravy, cover the dutch oven, and throw it in the oven for an hour.

    Serve it with mashed taters or whatever else you like under your gravy.
  2. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    now im hungry!!!!!!!!!!!!! think i will try that in my castiron dutch oven!!!!:)
  3. maxpower_hd

    maxpower_hd Active Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    I think I may try making it a stuffed pork roast. The only change would be to cut sort of a pocket down the middle of the roast leaving the ends in tact. Stuff it with instant stuffing. I use Bell's. Then tie it up with cooking string.

    I might have to try that this weekend.


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