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Sorry I haven't posted much

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by Goose, Apr 22, 2005.

  1. Goose

    Goose New Member

    Mar 25, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Texas Coastal Bend
    Been mighty busy. My wife and I started a bail bond business. Well, it's an office for the owner here in our little town. We work strictly on commission. We've done okay so far, only the third month at it. We landed a 50K bond a couple of weeks ago that will pay us next month. Anyway, I've been doing bike work here and odd jobs to pay for my racing. I'm even writing a column for a regional Texas magazine now called "Thunder Roads Texas". They wanted some sport bike input into what was previously an all cruiser rag. I'm doing a racing/sport riding thing for them called "The Fast Line". Running a full schedule of endurance in CMRA's mini series and Texas Mini GP. I'm riding for Billy Wiese, who runs WRW Racing and is a big time AMA tuner. This year he's not working in AMA road racing, but has a gig tuning for a flat tracker and he's working with John, team mate and bike owner, tuning an NSR. And, on top of that, I'm running some flat tracks again this year over at a track NW of Houston, though I usually make enough to pay my costs when I flat track.

    So, yesterday my wife comes to the office to relieve me at 1pm and shows me an ad Dale's Fun Center, Honda/Kawasaki, has in the paper for sales help. I rode over there cause I know Dale pretty well. He knows I work on bikes, even sent me an old wing once, a referal, cause they don't work on old wings. He needs a mechanic BAD and was trying to get me in his shop. No way I'm working for another shop flat rate! So, he's really wanting me in service somehow, askes if I would take a service writer position, salaried. Yeah, I'd do that. I figure he figures I'd fill in at the wrenches when he's short people for any reason and I'd do that, just don't wanna be wrenching and on flat rate commission. So, I might get it, don't know. He would have put me to work today if I'd have accepted the mechanic thing, but been there, done that. If I'm going to wrench, it'll be here on my own terms for the full ticket, not working on flat rate commission. And, I'm sort of ambivolent about his job, too, cause it'll screw up my Saturdays. I'll have to stop endurance racing at the end of this year if I keep it. Money vs. fun, the age old catch 22.

    I'd contacted Barry Nichols with CMRA a while back to work corners at Texas World Speedway this weekend. They pay fifty bucks a day, furnish drinks and lunch, even a keg after the races and you have the best seat in the house to watch. So, I decided I want to ride my SV650S up there this time. It's been in the back of the shop collecting dust since I've been all over Texas on the GoldWing lately racing. I even have a flat bed trailer I haul my race bike with the wing on. High gas prices will drive you to extremes, but really, it pulls easily and it's fun RIDING to the track. Anyway, I need to camp at the track this weekend, want to take the SV, so I install my Ventura pack/rack in place of the sport rack. It's sort of a sissy bar thing with a special pack that fits over it like a T Bag. Then, I strapped my duffle with my tent and sleeping bag on it, put my day bags on with flat fix kit, stick my tank back on it. ****IT, I can't see the bike for all the crap! ROFLMAO! Ought to power wheelie easily with all that crap on the rack.. :rolleyes: Guess I really need to be on the Wing, but I just wanted to ride the little SV. It's a blast with the power and handling. Not sure how the weight distribution is going to effect handling, LOL, but I'm just tired of riding the couch and it's only a 150 mile ride up there. Leaving out at 3am so I can stop at a McDonalds for a couple of egg mcmuffins and some coffee in route and still make it in time.
  2. CD

    CD Guest

    Dear Goose,

    All is forgiven as long as you show up in Springerville this year. SK, Sleepy and I plan applying extreme pressure until you give in. Besides, I plan on riding the new FXR and with a ton of torque and real suspension and brakes, you would have fun "testing" it.:D
  3. Goose

    Goose New Member

    Mar 25, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Texas Coastal Bend
    I'm going to make every effort to make it this year. It'll be a butt busting ride over and back if I can. Figure I'll HAVE to take the SV this time, better mileage. I'm also going to plot a more northerly, non I10 route across Texas to probably Ruidoso and will cross NM from Socorro to Reserve. I'm not sure where I'll bed down in route, but I'm tempted to camp up in the Sacramentos at one of those freebie national forest sites near Cloudcroft. It'd be a hard ride in from there to Springerville, but I reckon I could hit Alamagordo and across white sands through Demming to Silver City and up through the Gila Valley. That's a pretty route. I've been on those rodes before, but I10 is just simply TERRIBLE boring. LOL I reckon there's usually good bear bait on that road. The SV is actually more comfy tucked in at 120. :D But, I'd as soon avoid I10 this trip.
  4. Sleepy

    Sleepy Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2004
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    you bringin' an FXR to this year's ride?..I might have to bring the duck down so I can almost keep up with you fellas..Goose If I have to go out and have some fun..you do too.
  5. SK

    SK New Member

    Mar 28, 2004
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    Las Vegas, NV
    Goose's gotta make it this year. We ain't gettin no younger and we gotta hook up when we can. No matter what my school schedule is (I might be starting the accellerated nursing program about then), they don't have school on major holidays and weekends..so I'll be there.

    Lookin forward to seein CD's FXR..didn't know you got one. It's one of the new ones I suspect..too cool. Hell..if Goose brings the SV, and Sleepy brings the Duck, I'll be in the back of the pack with my FJR. Don't matter know how as we don't get that loose..just good fun. Things are starting to heat up here in Las Vegas, so by the end of the Summer I'll be looking forward to the mountain retreat of Springerville.

    School's going fine..just might pull straight A's again. Not bad for 3 science classes (all 4 unit w/lab). Taking organic chemistry in a 4 week class starting May 31st, so only 10 days off from this long semester. Then 3 internet classes in July and August (allowing me to leave Las Vegas..as long as I can get to a computer to take my exams). If I get into the accellerated nursing program come Fall, I could have my BS in nursing by the end of next year. Won't be easy as the accel-nurs program is 15 units per 10 week semesters 5 times in a row with only 2 weeks off all year (right through next Summer). But it'll be worth it to do my Jr and Sr years in 12 months.
  6. CD

    CD Guest

    Sleepy, Goose, SK

    I didn't buy one, I am building one from the ground up. It is not a pro-street or a Swedish style the frame actually has a 28º rake and only one inch of stretch about stock for most FXR's. 18" wheels 150 rear, 130 front. PM six piston front and probably rear. New 100" Revtech square motor with a six speed for an FLT with oil pan on the tranny. Inverted Regency forks, adjustable rebound and works fully adjustable in the rear. Foot controls moved about 2" forward from stock mid control position.

    Being that it is going to be about 75# lighter than stock at least and double the HP, should be fun.
  7. Goose

    Goose New Member

    Mar 25, 2004
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    Texas Coastal Bend
    Wow, SK, you'll be in the big bucks again soon. My problem is mostly money, so I'm figurin' on camping in route, taking the SV for the gas mileage and suffering the seat, LOL. I'll probably want to split a room if someone wants. Heck, I'll have my pad, can sleep on the floor, no problem!

    That FXR sound's fun! The suspension and brakes sound delicious. How are you planning to set up the springs? I'd set it up a little tight, myself, maybe 30mm sag. I have the SV set that way. Since it's a street bike, I didn't get too tight. 22-25mm with rider is the norm in racing, but street you don't push as hard and need to run a little softer. I'd go 35 at the most on the FXR. Any more and it's going to be mushy I'm afraid.

    Racetech's site has an awesome spring calculator, what I used when I ordered my fork springs. I haven't done anything to the rear, yet. Nothing is adjustable on the thing for more than preload, just got the front set up pretty decent. The stock shock is okay for the street. I wanna ebay a ZX636 shock, though. I've heard it fits, raises the rear a little which makes the bike steer a little quicker, and the thing is ajustable. I could have gotten an Ohlins for it on special, but it was still around $500. I don't want one THAT bad right now.

    I've got a works on two of my XR100s. They're nice bikes, but the ones they sell for the XRs aren't adjustable for damping. That's okay, though, cause valving and springs were adjusted by Lindeman, so they're pretty well on. The bigger bike stuff is more sophisticated, but this shock cost me around $350! :eek: It is an inverted shock with a remote N2 reservoir, which is sorta trick. The stock spring guide on an XR100 isn't even rebuildable and is made for a kid's play bike, so if you wanna do something serious like mad dawg class flat track, you gotta do something. LOL
  8. SK

    SK New Member

    Mar 28, 2004
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    Las Vegas, NV
    Whoa..that's the only way to go! Looking forward to checking it out CD.

    Goose, the room Bob and I had last year was big. I wouldn't be surprised if we could get an extra bed in there or something. No reason we can't get 3 in the room. I really liked that inside corner room too. They didn't mind our bikes right up next to the door either. Until I do graduate and starting making money again..it's pretty **** tight right now.

    Four months aways seems like a long time, but it'll be here before we know it.
  9. Goose

    Goose New Member

    Mar 25, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Texas Coastal Bend
    That sounds great, Kevin! Like I say, I ain't picky. I have a pad and bag and will be using 'em in route to defray costs of this trip for sure! If I can split a room three ways, WOW, that'd help! AF Nurse might actually get to ride up with me from San Antonio in which case perhaps we'd get a room or something. We'll see what happens when the time comes and make plans as things shake out. Riding that friggin' little SV out there is going to be a butt and leg challenge, LOL, but I'm more excited now about it! I'm thinking I can maybe get an article out of this trip, too. Heck, could write off costs, LOL! I will be taking pix for sure and an article about riding a sport bike to eastern Arizona for REAL roads might be interesting. Heck, I'll get that FXR and Direct Parts some pubicity in Texas, maybe. :D I can see where I could write twice my normal column length on this and not get it all said. Besides if I HAVE to ride for the magazine, it makes it easier to justify to the wife. :D
  10. AFNurse

    AFNurse Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 8, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Great Falls, MT or deployed to......
    As Goose said, I may be there also!!! Here are the 3 things that have to happen....I fly out of Germany on 6 July, so will ship the bike sometime around the 1st.... bike has to arrive before labor day weekend for me to ride. 2nd, wife has to give the blessing...that may be a small challenge, but hopefully not...3rd, and this is the hardest one of all...I am going to be in training status.... Going to learn how to be a Neonatal Intensive Care Nurse.... so you say, "training status...weekends off!!" Ya, most the time I would agree....however, here is the catch.... it is a military school. First 2 weeks or so are classroom (basicly second half of August). Then it goes to Clinicals... this is where I am "paired up" with another nurse...when they work, I work. Nurses do not have bankers hours.....I am just as likely to work the holiday weekend as have it off. I have not received any word on this, so I may be a VERY LAST MINUTE addition to the ride. Keep your fingers crossed!!! I know I am!! :D
  11. Sleepy

    Sleepy Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2004
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    AFNurse. I hope you can swing it and get out for the ride. The country's great, the riding is better and the folks you're gonna meet are better yet.

    Kev, can you book the room and try to get the same one..It'll be big enough for a bunch of us if need be. I can cover the room this year but after that I have to watch the money a little. I got engaged and we've got a lot of projects on the go up here so money may be a little tight. if Goose brings up some Shiner Bock we'll work out something for accomodations. Truth be known, I'm looking forward more to this than I am for Sturgis..except my sweetie can make it to Sturgis with me.

    Goose..do what you can to make it up to Alpine. It's been too long since we've cracked a couple of brews....seven years now..don't sweat the room at Alpine..just come up.

    Dave..that FXR sounds like a real good time. I'd love to get out on the new V-Rod to see what it's like but my significant other really likes the Electra Glide so I'm getting to be older, slower and more comfy and more than likely, that'll be the bike I ride down on. so you speed merchants have mercy on an old guy on an Electra Glide..I'm looking forward to this
  12. AFNurse

    AFNurse Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 8, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Great Falls, MT or deployed to......
    Hey, Sleepy, DOn't worry!! If I make it, we can both watch the speed demons from the rear.....my E-Glide Standard is not made for speed either!!! We can sit back in our "lazy boy rolling recliner" and watch the kids have fun! :D
  13. Goose

    Goose New Member

    Mar 25, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Texas Coastal Bend
    Married? No screamin????? That's great! Congrats!!!!! Just in time for retirement, eh???? LOL! Well, I'll make it one way or the tuther. I'll split that room with whomever is usin' it! Just nice to have a shower, ya know?

    Wow, I rode the Oldwing (that's old goldwing) towing my little TTR Yamaha clone dirt bike, a Chinese built 150cc motor in it, up to Sommerville's public ORV area and joined some racing friends for some "trail riding". Well, you get a bunch of racers together and any fun ride turns in to competition. It was a very tight trail with lots of good jumps and crazy things to climb and decend. First crack out of the box, I decide to try a mud hole that had no bottom. :rolleyes: Took four of us to drag it out. Burried it to the base gasket, LOL! We rode to about noon. Coming in I was flying down a rutted trail, got my foot caught in a rut between the rut and the bike and it twisted my left knee and ankle. I stopped and walked it off and was okay until I got home. Now, my knee and ankle are stiff and hurting, but I can walk it out a bit, so I'm sure nothing's broken down there. I just hope it heals up before the flat track in two weeks. I have been looking forward to putting that steel shoe down, but the foot I wear it on don't feel much like flat tracking right now. LOL I have to be 100 percent to win some money over there, so I ain't goin' if I ain't fully functional. I ain't good enough to finish in the money with a bum leg, LOL.

    That little bike is cool, though, tough as nails! I wrung it's little neck and pounded it. It's got pretty decent suspension for a little play bike, ain't your tall MX type of course, but it's a whole lot better'n any XR100, good match for a CRF150 I reckon. But, the spring on the back bottomed a few times when I wasn't standing up and my back is feeling that now. I'm going to crank down on that spring preload. If I need a spring, a TTR spring will fit it, that close of a copy.

    Some friends had real bikes, LOL, out there. One had a YZ250 and there were two KX80s and a YZ125. The rest of us were on TTRs and XRs. I wish I'd had a helmet cam. That's a tight as all get out trail, nowhere to air out a big motor, so I stayed close to them. Watching that 250, he would just gas it in spirts, either on or off, LOL! I watched him low side it, high side it, and everything in between. He may be more sore than me, LOL! I crashed maybe half a dozen times, usually from cross rutting, once over the bar. None of that hurt. That danged rut did my ankle and knee in, though. The thought did occur to me on the way home that I'm getting a little old to be doing this sort of thing, LOL. Oh, well, gotta have my fun before I'm REALLY old.

    Wish I could make it to your wedding, Bob! Again, congrats man! Shiner, now, I'll have to find some room in the camping bag for that. :D
    Last edited: May 7, 2005
  14. SK

    SK New Member

    Mar 28, 2004
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    Las Vegas, NV
    I guess it is time to make motel reservations again. DaleRK called me the other night and is interested in coming out. Said he'd most likely trailer his RK to Las Vegas and ride with me from there. So I'm thinking I better reserve two rooms to be safe.

    The thread line says "Sorry I haven't posted much", and it's true for me too. Finals ended last week (straight A's again for 3 science classes w/lab), and I've been remodeling a bathroom and kitchen every day since. I'm getting worn out in this 100º+ heat wave we're having and Summer school starts next Tuesday. Bob, you wouldn't recognize that ole guesthouse I used to live in..looking brand-spanking new. I'll be staying in the condo though..more room, and there's a hot tub here! Not that I use it as much as I did when the weather was cooler.
  15. Sleepy

    Sleepy Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2004
    Likes Received:
    keep getting those good marks man. It'll pay off. Dale RK is thinking about coming down as well? I never did get to meet him. I think I had tried to get to Hollister a few years ago to see you guys but that didn't work out. I think I have enough time to get to Las Vegas to meet up with you guys and ride over with you. go ahead and book the room. I've still got the green light to go. Three months now..man time flies
  16. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Wow, Bob is engaged that's great and congratulations to the two of you. I have not done much posting at all for some time especially with Crossroads going down. Been very busy with the inspection business and sometimes wished it would slow down but then the money is good.
    Sounds like you guys are going to have a great ride, when is it happening.

    I had to sell the Goldwing as I couldn't ride it anymore. The leg room was not much and my knees are starting to really bother me a lot. I'd do about 100 miles and have to get off for a 10 minute or more break. The doctor said I've got Arthritis in both knees, getting old I guess. Did pickup a FLSTSCI Springer. The ultra is still doing fine and running great.

  17. Sleepy

    Sleepy Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Hi Marc. Thanks for the good wishes. I lost all the links to the sites when my computer crashed. The ride is on Labour Day weekend at Springerville AZ. really nice country there..a bit of a ride for me but Goose has got a bit of a poke to get there too. I know you're busy and all but it'd be good to see you as well. We haven't been all together for a long long time. It sucks to have bad knees, mine are going and I think my days of putting miles on a sportbike are numbered and that really is the pits. I don't skate as much, ski as much and I only put about 3000 miles on the Ducati last year, the rest was on the E-G. The E-G is a nice comfy chair , it doesn't grab me the way the ST does but age and reality dictate that the big Harley is a better bike for me. And I did have some fun throwing it around on the Lake Road last weekend. I hope all is well with you and Pat and Milt and the rest.

    PS Springer eh? Life looks good on the left coast......... :)
  18. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Hi Bob, you know Milt went down pretty hard late last summer. Fell asleep on the bike heading down I-84 past the Dalles, Oregon. He landed in the ditch, busted up and the bike did cart wheels side ways over and over until there was nothing left to the top of the bike. He did not have full insurance so has been trying to slowly piece it back together. Milt had retired but after that the money got pretty thin for him so he had to go back to work full time, back at the same job.
    I would really like to be able to meet up with you guys if I can, where are you staying at and where are you meeting up at?

    Got to tell you when I first saw the new Springer last summer when it first came out it was like man that is one cool looking bike.
    Got to figure out what set of pipes I want to put on it. Really like the looks of the fish tail pipes but so fare it seems that Harley is the only one to have them for this bike so far. The wife's Valkyrie trike has got more sound than the Springer has.
    Almost bought me another Valkyrie, but could not find a descent Interstate or Valk tourer around here. Everything is on the East coast and don't ;like buying a bike that I can at least tough and feel it first.

    Pat and I broke down and joined the local HOG chapter, what an experience that has been so far. They even made me a Road Captain already. Sure is a lot of ass kissing that goes on in these bigger groups, enough to make a guy shake his head and wonder why did I do this.
    Pat and I are taking off tomorrow down the coast into California, I know SK AGAIN. But, it sure is a great ride. The ultra classic is like a big comfortable lounge chair except the bottom doesn't swing up and the back rest does not roll back. Probably a good thing as I would wind up like Milt if it did. Sure glad he is physically OK now.
    Boy, sure can tell I have not posted much lately, man on and on.
  19. Sleepy

    Sleepy Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Marc, this is where we're staying

    Reed's Lodge
    514 E. Main St. Springerville AZ USA 85938
    928 333-4323

    I'm going to try to get to Las Vegas to meet with SK and maybe Dale RK. Springerville's a day away from there. That's the plan so far. That's too bad about Milt although he's lucky he didn't get himself killed. I still remember losing those gloves in Laughlin. The Springer is a good looking bike. I really like the deluxe..even with the funny looking floorboards, it's just a cool looking bike. If I were to get another Harley it would likely be a rubbermount Sportster..lots of go for not much dough..like my old FXR but probably better in some ways.
    Hog clubs are a bit of a mixed bag, like any other group there are good ones and bad ones. I remember relating my experience on the HOG groups up here on MO eight years ago and got taken to task by Wide Glide who was involved with a good one so as Forrest Gump says "That's all I got to say about that"
    All you can do is give 'em a try and if it don't work out there are other options out there..they're just not for me.
    Last edited: May 26, 2005
  20. SK

    SK New Member

    Mar 28, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Las Vegas, NV
    Hey Marc, I've only ridden the Oregon Coast about 16 times, but would do it again in a heartbeat. I think it's easily the prettiest coastline in the US. It's also very accessable as many roads on the East Coast don't get you as close to the ocean as US101 does through Oregon. Enjoy! I'm jealous as it's been over 100º here in Las Vegas the past week straight. I've love to be in the fog on the coast right now, wearing a jacket to keep warm.

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