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Speed Sensor "the easy Way" no Rerouting

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by Shakeme, Aug 16, 2011.

  1. Shakeme

    Shakeme New Member

    Aug 15, 2011
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    Stuttgart, Germany
    This informations are for a FLHRCI/2000 so some parts might be different on newer Bikes/ other Models. I wrote this HowTo for an other Forum but made some improvements on this one.

    Sorry for my Ugabuga-English but explaining something in a foreign language can fail, so help me if i've used wrong grammar/syntax.

    I'm a kind of guy that does it wrong, at the first run - get slightly better, at second run -and knows how it works, at the third run.

    All of the trouble geting the old sensor out and the new one in is gone as soon as you understand how an Deutsch-Connector works, then it's an easy job.

    short version: open the gasket at the Deutsch-Connector and get the Pins out
    long version: see below

    The SS consists of a 3-pol Deutsch-Connector on one Side and the Sensorhead itself on the other Side and it's very interessting how this small pice works.

    If the SS failes you'll notice that in one or all of this Problems:
    -Speedoneedle jumps arraound or doesn't move at all
    -Speedo doesn't count your mileage
    -Turnsignal doesn't switch off
    -on later Tourings you might have an idle Problem since the sensor
    information is used by the ECM

    All of this Problems are caused by the SS.

    Find the Sensor in the Transmission, near the Starter above your Oilfillercap. The Deutsch-Connector might by hided, my one was in the hole near the Front Saddlemount .

    You can do 3 Things.

    1. Get the sensor out there may be metall particles on the magnet. Clean the Sensor and
    reinstall. Worked for me for 40 Kilometers.

    2. Buy a new Sensor (guess arround $ 50). You'll wonder how they get the SS-Cable underneath
    the Starter and how they could route the Cable throug the Frame. Very Easy, if you know how
    it works.
    The Manual says"remove Minus from Battery." Why? I don't know and I didn't. Tie a cord to
    the connector and pull the cable trough the Frame towards the Sensor. Didn't work for me,
    because you wount get the Deutsch-Connector arraound the corners in the Frame.
    Well the idea with the cord aint bad at all but you'll have tho remove the Connector to do so.

    OK. Look at the Connector, turn it so the locable is a the bottom. You'll see three Pins in there and a tiny plug in the middle. The plug shows a little arrow heading for 2 o Clock. Remeber that.
    Draw the plug. Now you see that every pin has a little nose towards the center. Move the nose towards the center and you can unlock the pins.
    Turn the plug arround, on the backside there is a little silicon gasket. Use something spiky and move the gasket backwards. The Pins will move aout of the connector.
    Just use a little force and move the Pins through the gasket and hocus pocus you have a thin cable.
    Tie the cord to the cable and Hocus-Pocus no need to reroute. Just get throug underneath the starter, into the frame, cross the frame a height of the Battery.
    Now reinstall the Deutsch-Connector. From frontview Top/BLACK, Bottom/left/RED, Bottom/right/WHITE.
    Very easy, very clean, might take 20 Minutes. The Rerouting Version might be 5 Minutes faster.

    3.Buy a Honda

    If this helped you don't forget to help others (at least if they own a Harley!)

    Greez from Germany

    Picture 1: where to find the sensor
    Picture 2: cleaning method
    Picture 3: how the sensor works
    Picture 4: where to find the Deutsch Connector
    Picture 5: Sensor and Connector
    Picture 6: remove the gasket
    Picture 7: Pin assignment

  2. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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