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speedometer/tripometer dosn't work

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by usmc3/6limacorecpltn, Jul 23, 2005.

  1. usmc3/6limacorecpltn

    usmc3/6limacorecpltn New Member

    Jul 23, 2005
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    I have a 2003 anniversary fatboy, I started a cruise from Akron,Ohio to Athens county Ohio. I tripped the trip back to zeros before I left the house, the tripometer and my speedometer quit working at a 193 miles into the trip. I tried to take both sensors off and clean them, the one by the oil filter and the one by the transmission. I also cheched all my fuses to no avail. Man if anyone can give me a clue, I sure would appreceiate it.Anyone can E-mail me at mcl988k@yahoo.com Thanks
  2. Killer-B

    Killer-B New Member

    Jan 22, 2005
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    Hey there USMC3. First off the sensor by your oil filter is your crank-sensor, and is for ignition timing ect. Or do you mean oil sending unit ? There in the same area. The Speedo runs off your tranny, and just because you cleaned it does not make it good :) They have been known to go bad. I would check the wire all the way to your Speedo for defects, and reseat the connector that fits into the back of your Speedo, and while you have the connector out check for pushed pins. (not that they magically become pushed). If that don’t do it, then it might be your speed sensor, or your speedo itself. Good luck. . (I’m just a shade-tree mechanic, so don’t take what I say as the gospel ) ;)

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