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Stage 1 rebuild-Please help before I lose my mind!

Discussion in 'CVP Stage 1 Tuners Kit' started by wmccormick65, Aug 13, 2014.

  1. wmccormick65

    wmccormick65 Member

    Aug 3, 2014
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    Did the stage 1 upgrade/ rebuild and have been lining out problems ever since (I don't believe they're all kit induced)!

    My bike is a 94 sportster 1200. I went with a 45/175 for jets. Which is what was the sizes in the carb prior to my rebuild. I have blown this thing out, sprayed it multiple times with carb cleaner. Flushed my tank, replaced the fuel valve/ filter.

    After many times of taking this thing apart and putting it back together I have fixed alot of my issues but the last one I have left is it still falls on its face at around 70-75mph at around 3800 rpms. Acts like its running out of gas.

    I can pin it back with no issue in 1st-4th it runs like a scalded ape but 5th gear 70-75mph and its cutting out on me.

    When I first did the rebuild I had a 180 main it, and with my first test ride it was way to rich, so I dropped back down to the 175 since that was the size in it before and it always ran great before I had to put this thing up for a few years.

    I set the float a little richer yesterday which helped with some of the lower end problems it was having. But still falls on its face. My mixture screw is about 2-3/4 to 2-7/8 turns out. It idles great now, runs good in the lower rpms/speeds, but wont even make it 2 miles to town at highway speeds.

    I live in southeast Texas so elevation isn't an issue, but its hot and humid as all get out. My riding season is winding down and I've been no further on that bike this year than the time I limped it 10 miles to get an inspection so all my road tests would be legal.

    Also I have run on new plugs almost everytime I have tried something new in the tuning of this thing. I have checked for air leaks with carb and choke cleaner and there seems to be none I can detect. The accelerator pump is squirting for all its worth so I dont believe that's an issue.

    I'm thinking my next step is to try the 180 main jet again but other than that I'm at a loss. For the love of god someone give some helpful advice so I can get this damn bike on the road instead of being an idling paperweight in my shop. :banghead:banghead:banghead:banghead
  2. kenfuzed

    kenfuzed Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Las Vegas NV
    One thing to check is the gas cap. Sounds odd but if the vent in the gas cap has gone bad it will create a vacuum in the tank as fuel is taken by the carb at a high rate, thus starving the float bowl. Also check the float level. Some float needle valves are different sizes/lengths so the float needs to be readjusted after installing a new needle valve. This would also starve the carburetor of fuel when its needed at higher RPM or load.

    Another thing to check is the needle jet (nozzle). If installed upside down the bike will run okay down low but fail under load.

    See this troubleshooting section for more info:
  3. wmccormick65

    wmccormick65 Member

    Aug 3, 2014
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    I did loosen the cap to the point I could take it off, and it seemed to have no effect. I adjusted the float out yesterday, too far at first because I buttoned it all up and it started overflowing. I bent it back in slightly, took it for a ride. As I said alot of bottom end problems went away (ie* idled better, took away a little hiccup it had at around 2k rpm). I was thinking of trying to bend the tab out alittle more though.

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