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Starter Not Starting

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by 2002 Chief, May 7, 2005.

  1. 2002 Chief

    2002 Chief New Member

    May 7, 2005
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    I have a 2002 chief is there a upgrade for this bike. Second stater has poped out of the gear.
  2. VYBR8R

    VYBR8R New Member

    Apr 5, 2004
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    Tracy, CA
    Indian Starters

    No, there is no uprgade for the indian starters due to the company going out of business. The Harley starters will fit these bikes but the starter clutches take a beating on Indians for some reason. These bikes are not high compression beasts so it baffles me as to why they seem to eat up starters but it is one of the weak points of the Indian legacy.
  3. CD

    CD Guest

    There have been a lot of issues with big inch motors and engines with high cranking compression over the years.
    This article may help to explain some of the problems and answers.

    You basically need to count the teeth on the pinion gear. If it has 10 teeth, the ring gear has 102 and this is part of the problem. There are kits that allow you to go to the early ration of an 8 tooth pinion and 66 tooth ring gear.

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