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Starter Shaft Seal Replacement

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by subscreendoor, Nov 5, 2007.

  1. subscreendoor

    subscreendoor New Member

    Nov 5, 2007
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    My bike is a 1985 FXRS, 5-speed, wet clutch, stock chain primary, belt final drive. All drive parts are stock or stock replacement.

    My old starter drive gear ("bendix") was shot (turned pretty easy in both directions). So I got a new gear, primary gasket and starter shaft seals. The old seals were nearly disentegrated, so they came out easy.

    Here is my question: How do I install the new seal on the primary side? Parts manual gives the same part number for both the tranny side and primary side seal, but I don't see how to get the new one in the primary side. There is a smaller hole in the primary which steps up to the correct size for the seal. The seal's OD is too big to fit past the small hole in the primary, but it won't go in from the tranny side either. Tranny side seal is no problem, biggest challenge there is keeping it from falling into the drive belt space. Thanks!
  2. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    not familiar with your particular model, but if the seal wont fit the hole it is the wrong seal....recheck the parts manual or dealer.....have fun!!:)
  3. mwelych

    mwelych Active Member

    Apr 19, 2006
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    Charlotte, NC
    Hope you can get this fixed up soon...:)
  4. subscreendoor

    subscreendoor New Member

    Nov 5, 2007
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    Thanks for the replies

    Thanks chucktx and mwelych for reading and posting. The OEM part number in my manual is 12051 for both the tranny side and primary side. On the primary side, there is a groove, kinda like an o-ring groove for the seal. The seal will fit in this groove (ID matches the seal OD), BUT to get to the groove I first gotta go through a smaller hole. You know these seals don't bend much. It won't fit going through the belt area from the tranny side either. Is there a way for me to post pix on the forum? Do I hafta pull the inner primary and come at it from the other side? There's gotta be someone on this forum that's done this job before.

  5. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    posting pics are easy.....look below this box you are typing in and there is a "manage attachments" box. click it and it will bring up another window that you use to brouse your puter or internet for pics....add them then close the window. then hit "post".....:)
  6. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    i just changed the seal on my starter....06 eg. one seal, easly replaced from inner side. i believe it is changed from your model.
  7. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    Good news is I might be able to help,

    Bad news is if it's like the others I've done the seal goes in from the inner primary inside behind the starter jackshaft

    You'll have to remove the primary cover (drain first)
    I don't think you'll be able to get the starter jackshaft out without removing the clutch basket

    At that point you might as well pull the inner primary, and replace the seals on the shifter shaft for the trans as well and if you have the tools pull the main belt drive pulley and change the mainshaft seal behind that as well as the main inner primary seals.

    The Bikes now 22 years old, so once you pull this stuff off you're going to need to change the seals out, if you can use the newer seals with the springs built in you'll get a nice tight fit and no leaks.

    You'll need a new primary cover gasket and you might want to get more of the inner primary locking bolt tabs plus some black silicone as that is oil resistant. Surround the back of the inner primary bolt holes with the black silicone and then do the same on the inside where the bolts go through, helps keep leaks out.

    At a min you can simply do the starter seal, but if it were me I'd do the whole enchilada!
  8. mwelych

    mwelych Active Member

    Apr 19, 2006
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    Charlotte, NC
    Yuppers... It's more work, but don't hafta worry about it for another 22 years...:)
  9. subscreendoor

    subscreendoor New Member

    Nov 5, 2007
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    re starter shaft seal

    Thanks hotroadking. I already had the primary drained, outer cover off, comp sprocket and clutch out and the starter shaft out. Replaced the old bendix drive. I kinda figured I'd need to pull the inner primary as well to replace the primary side starter shaft seal, so the other night I ordered new primary o-ring for the inner cover to engine seal and new seal for the main bearing. Also ordered new locking tabs. The new starter shaft seals (like the old) have springs (like most oil seals I've seen before). I always keep a few outer primary gaskets around.

    Hadn't thought of tranny seals, but like you say while I'm in there may as well. About the drive pulley - can I pull that with a regular gear/pulley puller, or do I need a special tool like for the clutch basket? (I've got one of those by Jims). I know the drive sprocket is left hand threads like the clutch hub.

    Last thing - the manual says to loosen the four T-bracket to tranny bolts before torquing up the inner primary bolts, then torque the T-bracket bolts. I'm not planning on making any tranny alignments, and the bike is aligned now - so am I more likely to cause a problem doing this? Seems like I oughta leave well enough alone on the T-bracket. Thanks again.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2007
  10. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    I would leave it alone and reinstall the inner primary, if it bolts straight up and doesn't have any need to be pulled in to fit somewhere you should be fine.

    Then again that's the way we do Dougs 98 RK.

    We have loosened up the bolts at one point because it was out of alignment but then we had the whole bike aligned.

    Good luck it's not that difficult.

    The biggest issue and I'm not sure with your bike, is the inner race bearing on the mainshaft from the trans, it requires a puller and you don't want to fubar the mainshaft.

    Once it's off the rest just unbolts, I think you will need a big socket for the nut on the trans belt pulley, IIRC it's around 2 inches +- 1/8 or so.

    You can get the socket at most Ace Harwares and mine had them on sale last week 50% off, $7 not bad.

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