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Steering Head Bearing Races

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by 2000fxst, Jun 13, 2007.

  1. 2000fxst

    2000fxst New Member

    Jun 13, 2007
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    My Clymer manual tells me that I can knock the bearing races out of my FXST steering neck.

    My local HD dealership tells me I need a $150 tool to remove them.

    Has anyone out there removed them successfully without this tool? I'll only remove them once, and never put them back in - so I'm having a hard time justifying $150 for a one use tool.

  2. Elrod on the V-Rod

    Elrod on the V-Rod New Member

    Aug 18, 2004
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    Why are you not going to put the races back in?

    A fool proof way to remove any bearing race is w a welder.If you just start a bead in a couple of spots on the side where the rollers ride,the race will fall out as it's cooling,it shrinks smaller than its natural state.
    The drawback in your situation is the paint on the neck,it could get blistered. I'll almost bet if you saturated a shop towel and carefully covered the outside of the neck where the bearing race will get it hot you will probably win!

    Elrod on the V-Rod
  3. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    i have used a $10.00 slide hammer from harbor freight. it has some attachments, i used the "hook" to grab the bottom of the race and got it started, then used a punch from the oppisite side to drive it the rest of the way out. are the races/brgs pretty bad shape to be replaceing them??? or are ya changing the neck size of the forks???? let us know how ya make out....have fun!!
  4. 2000fxst

    2000fxst New Member

    Jun 13, 2007
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    I'm replacing the front end with the chopper kit from AME, which replaces the bearing races with a new static adapter. That's why I won't need to put them back.

    Any thoughts on whether a torch may heat things up enough that I can knock the races loose? Little sketchy on taking a welder to it.
  5. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    using a torch on the races will make them bigger, and i wouldnt heat the neck.....if you have a CO2 fire extinguisher, and can shorten the horn on it, direct the cold at the race and it MAY shrink it enough to get it out. a warning here....wear gloves and protective shield over your face.....a chisel or brg race can splinter and imbed very deeply into your skin.....dont ask me how i know!!!!! good luck..
    there should be a spot in the neck that is open to allow a punch, hook, ect, to grab it. feel around the bottom of the race, you should feel the opening....
  6. Elrod on the V-Rod

    Elrod on the V-Rod New Member

    Aug 18, 2004
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    OK I got it why your not putting them back in.

    A torch won't work.The welder heats it real quick.I've used this tactic for a long time removing stubborn axle tube bearings on automobile transmissions and differentials.

    Elrod on the V-Rod
  7. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    Some autoparts places rent tools some loan them, check and see if they have something that would work.

    YOu could try and pack something really cold like a bag of Ice on the Race (small baggie) or dry Ice in a towel cut to fit, that would drop the temp of the race making it shrink.
  8. 94springer

    94springer New Member

    Jun 14, 2007
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    Leesville, S.C.
    fxsts head bearing races

    springer races are inset and cannot be "knocked out" you have to use special tool....well worth the money, I borrowed one..and believe me those bearings need replacing approx. every 10,000 miles...springers hard on head bearings, I also made a tool in the machine shop at work to install races back in the head...hope this helps, but you will have to pay one way or another

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