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Stock Rake and stretch question

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by maxpower_hd, Dec 21, 2004.

  1. maxpower_hd

    maxpower_hd Active Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    A friend and I are in the beginning stages of a bike project. We need to know if there is a difference between an Evolution era Fatboy frame and a standard Softail frame. From what I can tell, they appear to be the same but I have not been able to confirm. The reason for the question is that we may have access to an original Harley Softail frame and we want it to be the same as a Fatboy. A Softail Standard or custom does appear to have more rake but I thought it might all be in the wide glide front end and 21" tire up front. Any help would be appreciated.

    Thank you.
  2. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    I believe the Heritage and Fatboy are the same but the Deuce and Standard have different rake, I think one is 31 and the others are at 33

    www.harley-davidson.com has specs on all the bikes they may have the spec on the site.

    Also here is a cool site for selecting setup for rake and trail to keep you safe.

    Don't just build it because you think it looks cool, wrong setup can kill or hurt you, being that you asked I figure you know that already though.


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