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Sweet Tea

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by cardboard, Mar 1, 2011.

  1. cardboard

    cardboard Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2007
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    Lake Livingston, Tx.
    Sweet Tea
    A woman goes to the doctor all black and blue ..

    Doctor: "What happened?"

    Woman: "Doctor, I don't know what to do. Every time my husband comes home drunk
    on Bud Light he beats me up."

    Doctor: "I have a real good medicine for that. When your husband comes home
    drunk on Bud Light, just take a glass of sweet tea and start swishing it in your mouth but don't swallow.
    Just keep swishing and swishing until he goes to bed in his Bud Light stupor."

    Two weeks later the woman comes back to the doctor looking fresh and reborn.

    Woman: "Doctor, that was a brilliant idea. Every time my husband came home drunk
    on Bud Light, I swished with sweet tea.
    I swished and swished,and he didn't touch me!"

    Doctor: "You see how much keeping your mouth shut helps?"
  2. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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  3. cowboy

    cowboy Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 19, 2006
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    Alvin TX

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