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Take a second to ponder...

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by CD, Dec 6, 2006.

  1. CD

    CD Guest

    That tomorrow, December 7th is the 65th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor.

    They say that those who fought, worked, suffered shortages of about everything and the many, many thousands that gave their all make up Americas greatest generation.

    I do not think that there is a single doubt that this is true. Those Veterans are dying off in the thousands a week. Take a second to thank a vet for what they did in WWII. This country is what it is because of their sacrifices.

    I was at the VA today and they were setting up a memorial to the vets. A ceremony will be held commencing at the exact time that Pearl Harbor was attacked. I am going to make a point of going to thank and honor those WWII vets that are there.
  2. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    good post cd.....a lot of americans take our freedoms and libertys for granted...we should thank and honor our vets today, but in reality, they should be thanked and rememberd in our prayers everyday.....
  3. voodoochild

    voodoochild New Member

    Dec 8, 2006
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    Stanton, NJ
    I think everyone takes our freedom for granted. We should not have to remind people to thank a vet! I was in a restaurant a few weeks ago and there was a marine that came in and sat at the table next to us. (Kid couldn't have been more than 21 Y.O.) He came home on leave to surprise his mom. Our table bought them drinks and personally thanked him for their work protecting our freedom. I may not approve of our government all the time, but I sure as hell support our troops, wherever they may be! May they all come home safely.
  4. ReeseSS

    ReeseSS New Member

    Dec 9, 2006
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    Cape Coral, Florida
    Amen, Voodoo, Amen!
  5. Killer-B

    Killer-B New Member

    Jan 22, 2005
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    CD, your absolutely correct on that, I was just talking about that stuff last night with a few of the dudes. I’m over at the VA hospital all the time and always try and stop and talk with the old timers.
  6. Red Rider

    Red Rider Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2006
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    Churchill County, NV
    Greatest Generation?

    God bless all our vets, but as to the crowned "Greatest Generation" I'd have to say the men and women of today's armed forces are more than a match. They are all vounteer; they have no peer pressure nor legal threat to serve; they do their duty in spite of some of the most evil attacks by their own people (ABC, CNN, NBC, CBS, NY Times, etc) and do it darn well. They certainly don't take our freedom for granted.

    My grandfather served with the 1st MarDiv in Guadacanal, earning the Bronze Star and another Purple Heart, so I by no means intend to put down the WWII vets. But it was a different time. Fighting for freedom abroad when luxury at home is so ample is hard enough, but volunteering for it makes it even more couragous.

    I wish I could say that courage extended to the remainder of U.S. citizenry, but then I see the cowardice of those back here who'd have us quit on the mission that they were once quick to support. It is so sad how those that won't serve want to make those who will quit their mission and turn tail. Just trying to relieve the inglorious days of Vietnam again?

    So maybe WWII did see our greatest generation as a people, but I am certain that this is our greatest generation of military men and women.
  7. mwelych

    mwelych Active Member

    Apr 19, 2006
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    Charlotte, NC
    I echo the sentiments... Yea rah!!!:)
  8. GreyBear

    GreyBear New Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    Nomad, currently the Blue Ridge Mountains
    Greatest Grunts....?

    I think the term the Greatest Generation was used to denote the entire scene not just the military. As to the volunteer issue...well when my brother joined up in Jan after Pearl, ( he turned 18 in Jan 42) it took him three days to get in to sign.....yes a lot of guys were drafted but a hell of a lot stepped up as well. And not to take anything from the men and women serving now....many joined the reserves for the benefits and perks, not figuring they would wind up in a stink hole in the desert. That in no way besmerches thier service but it's not like they stormed down after 9 11 to enlist either. (Yes some did to be sure). As to what generation of military is/was the greatest.....whether it is going against japs and nazis or koreans or vc and chi coms or cubans in Grenada or the present conflict.....when they go out and face death to defend our country and the freedoms we have left....they are ALL the Greatest....just my, as usual, not so humble opinion.
    As to the people as a whole....well that is really an unfair analogy. With WWII we had a real, viable, visable enemy. We didn't have to wonder IF the original axis was in a place.....they made sure we knew. And even then blood ran in the streets with people on both sides of entering the war before Pearl was attacked. And many of our prominent citizens continued to do business with the nazis afterwards. Here we have a totally different ballgame.
    I think the majority of the people in this country respect and support our troops......but a good many have little faith in the agenda of the ones sitting on thier butts safe here sending these brave men and women off to fight.
    Ride Free........

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