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Test Fitting Some Weapons

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by JohnnyBiker, Dec 27, 2012.

  1. JohnnyBiker

    JohnnyBiker Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2010
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    Today Hot Rider and I went over to a friends place and test fitted some guns. As I have mentioned I am very interested in obtaining a CCW permit. Well, since I am not that familiar with guns and I am not 100% sure what it is that I would like, I decided that the first step for me to take is to see what I like and what it is that I don't like. The criteria that I am using at the moment is how does it fit in my hand, caliber and overall weight of the gun. At this point I have no preference as to if it is a revolver or not. As of now I am just using the basic three criteria. I handled many guns and the two that stuck out to me was a Baby Eagle 45 and a 357 revolver. I also held a few Taurus 40's but I wasn't that impressed with those. I even held a 50 Revolver. Now that was a big gun! Between the Baby Eagle and the SW 357, I would have to say that I liked the "Feel" of the 357 better. By this I mean I like how my hand felt. This one was the k body and it was an easy reach for the safety and the cylinder release. The Baby Eagle out of all the semi's that I held, I liked best because it had the easiest reach for the slide release and the clip release was fairly easy and close. Just the beginning I guess.
  2. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    all good guns,

    wheel guns are addictive, but 5 shots, however that should be enough, if you are going to carry it my advice is to get one you WILL carry, if you are looking at the S&W airweight series of 357 revolvers that you can slip in a coat pocket or jeans pocket it's probably better than the BE.

    Point being that if you don't like to carry the gun it will stay home, and if it's at
    home it won't be any good when you are out.

    I'd suggest you look at some pocket 9mm or 380 if you want a semi-auto handgun

    Ruger LCP or LC9
    Sig P238 or P290RS
    Kel-Tec P3AT or PF-9
    S&W bodyguard

    The ruger and kel-tec are highly popular, inexpensive and
    reliable, they also get carried, shorts, jeans, jacket..

    Don't get caught up in the old mans argument of "I only carry 45 because they don't make a 46" bigger is better argument. The key is accuracy, see if they have rentals,
    give them a try you might find you shoot better with a revolver, then the Ruger LCR is a good option to the smiths..

    BTW the 357 is a hoot to shoot but not in a small frame, it will bang your hand
    into numbness, a 38 still kicks hard, I'd look for the 38 model over the 357 JMO with P+ ammo it's plenty of firepower

    The keys being

    1) will you really carry it
    2) can you shoot worth a darn at 5 to 10 yards
    3) can you afford the ammo (40 is more expensive, 45 even more, 10mm out the roof)

    Holsters, - www.remora-holster.com for pocket or IWB

    ANy of the top level Galco etc will work for OWB...

    Bigger the gun more often you go OWB, so if your work
    and personal dress is more casual (IE FL, South TX) then pocket
    works good, if you dress in heavy coats, sweaters etc OWB is good.

    On the bike I carry owb in galco or similar retention holsters
    don't want my gun going down the street beside me.

    Have fun, guns are good, and let HR find one she likes.

    Get a 22 Walther or similar for cheap shooting and to get
    her and yourself used to the noise, kick and learning to aim.

    At $20 per 500 a 22 is a must for your stable.

    ANd you have kids, so get a good safe...
  3. JohnnyBiker

    JohnnyBiker Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2010
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  4. JohnnyBiker

    JohnnyBiker Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2010
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    If I did get a revolver I do think that it will have to be the K body and not the M. I held a very similar gun (revolver) 1 being a K body and the other an M. they had the same grip but the M for some reason made my hand feel very far away from the the safety and the cylinder release. Pushed my hand a little too far up.....
  5. HarleysLR

    HarleysLR Active Member

    Jun 14, 2007
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    Colorado Springs, CO
    I received a Ruger LC9 for Christmas and I bought my wife a Ruger SR22LR to learn to shoot with, it is a fine pistol. Yesterday I bought a Ruger SR9, it is sweet on the dry fire but I haven't shot it yet because it hasn't been over 25 in 5 days. I picked Ruger because I believe they are good weapons, the price is right and they fit my hand very well, I'll probably get an SR9c when the store gets some back in stock. Along with that I do have a Mauser-Werke .380 and a S&W J frame 357, it's a hand canon for sure and expensive to shoot. I have been carrying the 357 for about 15 years. I'll probably switch to the LC9 or the SR9 once I find a good holster that I like. 9mm ammo around here runs about $14.00 - $15.00 for target shooting and self defense ammo is about $1.00 a round in boxes of 20. Wife is taking the CCW class on Sunday.
    Look'm all over JB, Like HRK said if you don't like the feel you won't carry it, shooting is just another activity for you guys to do as a couple.
  6. JohnnyBiker

    JohnnyBiker Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2010
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    I am thinking pretty hard on the Baby Eagle to Carry...... That is a spendy gun though...... My buddy didn't have a snub 38 which is kind of what I really want to try out.
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2012
  7. HarleysLR

    HarleysLR Active Member

    Jun 14, 2007
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    Colorado Springs, CO
    I've got the S&W model 640 it's a double action only with an internal hammer, There is no safety, it's very basic. it's a close up in your face weapon. It is light weight and for self defense, not for target practice and it packs a nice kick. With the new ammo these days a 9mm is a good all around weapon.
    Product: Model 640
  8. JohnnyBiker

    JohnnyBiker Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2010
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    This is what I am thinking about for carrying....

  9. bguillory66

    bguillory66 Active Member

    Mar 23, 2011
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    DeQuincy, LA.
    I don't know the ccl laws in you state, but in Louisiana if you certify with a revolver thats all u can carry legally, with a semi-auto u can carry either. I carry a Springfield XDm 3.8. I really like it, the trigger gets a little getting use to but it feels good in my hand and the more I shoot with it the more accurate and comfortable I'am getting with it Mines a 45 and is a little more difficult to conceal in warm weather but I still like it alot. The wife has a XDsc in 9mm, its a really sweet gun also and easier to conceal, but like HRK suggest rent some different models at a local gun range and see what u like, thats what matters the most because we all are different.JMO:D
  10. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    Popular has nothing to do withy suggestion. Those are the ones that fit the bill for carry

    Remember if you do carry its always carry and you may need two firearms to fill the bill

    You are not going to strap on the baby eagle in a shoulder holster in July when you run to the store in shorts Tshirt and flip flops. A pocket carry is also good for times you can't wear a jacket to conceal.

    Just things to think about before you drop a grand or more and find might not fit your needs 100% talk with your lgs you trust and decide in what you WILL carry vs want to carry

    Everthing is compromise, and carry options need to be weighed with your
    lifestyle in mind vs your wants.. Got a safe full of wants, many will never
    see my side as a carry..

    Not saying the BE is bad, it's not, but it might be a cold weather carry,

    I would live to carry my 6 inch 44 magnum N frame. But it doesn't make sense.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2012
  11. JohnnyBiker

    JohnnyBiker Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2010
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    I am not sure what the regulation is just yet as far as certifying goes. That is just a little ahead of what I need to take care of first. It sure does seem like the Springfield XDM model anything is a popular gun. Can't help it, makes me not want that gun that much more..:roflmao: Not saying that it is a bad gun...just saying. :D I am going to go to a dealer today and take a look at a bunch of guns there. I have this favorite place to go, the place that I purchased both my wife's shotgun and my shotgun at. A licensed dealer, he runs it out of a Barn on his own property. A lot of guns. A long time ago I almost bought a German Lugar from him. When I went back to look it over closer after I had spent some money on how to properly identify it, the fuggen thing was gone!!!:gah::gah::rant::rant: I am going to go back there today and take a peek. :D
  12. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    RIght now JB is an expensive time to buy some guns,
    the rush is on with Zeros anti gun bullshidt

    It will probably die down I doubt the gun bill will get
    through the house. depends on what zero offers
    but I don't see him giving on anything he wants chaos
    it gives him things to be seen talking about and a party
    to blame.

    Just to give an example a Glock G26 is a very common carry, understand
    I'm not a Glock guy, I own one, and might buy another they are good guns
    they work, they are not expensive and parts are available to modify or mags for
    a lot less money. So it's a good comparison...

    The BE is 39 oz plus 3 more for mag empty, it's 7.25 in long holds 13 rounds

    The G26 is 19.75 oz plus about 3 oz for mag, 5.25 inch long, holds 10 but you
    can put mags for the bigger 9mm up to 30 rounds in for range time a big plus.

    Just to put it in perspective, a fully loaded G26 weighs in less than the BE unloaded no mag..
    And when you carry, that weight is important

    The BE is a typical DA/SA trigger, 12 to 13 first pull (thats a lot) and 4 on the second.
    The glock is 5.5 pounds every pull, no hammer, striker fired, no safety no decocker it's considered a DA gun.

    Parts, mags, holsters etc easier to find on the G26, just saying check out the options..
  13. JohnnyBiker

    JohnnyBiker Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2010
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    Today I went to my favorite place and I looked at some more firearms. The three that seemed to stick out to me the most today were an SW .357, a Taurus .45 LC and a Charter Arms Bulldog .44 Special. Of these three guns it was really hard to choose between the Charter Arms and the Taurus .45. I liked the weight of the Charter Arms piece a lot. I like how crisp the cylinder went in and how well the gun fit my hand. When I grabbed it (Charter), I was locked and the gun was level without even thinking to level it. For me that is a good sign that the gun isn't too heavy.

    When it came to the Taurus, it was heavier, but the feel in the hand and the ability to to fully extend and aim was the same as the Charter. Level and immediate. Both pieces had adjustable sites. One gun was used and the other was brand new.

    I looked up Charter Arms here just a bit ago and I have read that Charter Arms has been bankrupt a few times. I also read that one time this was one of the most popular guns in the country during the 70's and 80's. This kind of worries me a little bit mainly because of warranty things if it should ever need something.

    I have looked at the Taurus brand before but have never come to a conclusion either way if I liked it or not. Mainly because I have never fired a Taurus. Since then I have heard that Taurus has somewhat a bad reputation or that they are not as desirable, especially when it comes to their semi automatics. This sentiment came to me from a friend of mine who is around a lot of guns and who's opinion I value very much. However he has never really said anything bad about Taurus's revolvers. I do like the Lifetime Warranty that the Taurus comes with.

    The Charter Arms was $539 new including a case. The Taurus was $398 used with no case.
  14. cardboard

    cardboard Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2007
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    Lake Livingston, Tx.
    I bought the XDm 3.8 compact in the 9mm, 40 and 45.
    They all fit in my pants on the cheek of my butt without a holster very, very well.

    My nephew rented the XD sub compact 9mm Springfiled. and liked it.
    He wants the XDm model, Its not legal for sale in California . Don't think you can own it there either.
    My nephew who is a Doctor came out for Christmas and he's is workin on me to buy the XDm 3.8 Compact 9mm from me.
    He wants me to help him drive from Texas to Nashville, Tenn in about 6 months. I will give him the pistol when I drive to Tennessee. He needs a total of 15 yrs for his specialization. He is a Doctor and will finish up his specialization when he leaves California and goes to Tenn for 3 or so years.
  15. cardboard

    cardboard Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2007
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    Lake Livingston, Tx.
  16. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    Charter arms sucks , quality is poor
    Taurus is ok, quality has improved older ones are bad juju also Brazilian guns not USA

    Ruger is USA
    Glock has a big plant in GA

    If that stuff matters.

    Keep looking, remember the LGS guys don't mind handling guns,
    find out when it's typically quiet and you can get more time.

    Also look in the used gun case, might find a deal..
    Bought both my revolvers used because of what they are...

    Of the three the Smith is the best bang for the buck a 642 or 442 should be a sub $400 revolver in 38, and for a carry it's ideal, covered hammer, DA, long pull, would be good for HR in the purse and you can get add on pink grips for her,

    lotta guys carry smith revolvers... great in the pocket, I know the 357 is a great round
    but go shoot it if they will let you and you'll find it's purely a defensive round, no fun on the range.

    Have you looked at the Nano, or Shield or Kel-Tec PF9?
  17. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    BTW let me give you some tips on gun shopping, you might know this
    you might not, I have several LGS friends couple of things that bug them
    is a customer that doesn't know how to properly take a gun from them
    how to inspect it and how to hand it back.

    A good LGS won't hand you a weapon they have not checked and
    shown you it's unloaded some hand them after pulling back slide and closing
    or open the cylinder.

    When handed to you NEVER point it at them, it's called covering them or
    muzzling, don't do it ever, if you do appologize and point elsewhere

    also don't point it at customers or straight across the room, point and hold up
    and away, finger OFF trigger, ask if they mind if you pull trigger, some shops
    are nuts about it, some don't care. It's a courtesy.

    When they hand you a closed gun, open it, check it ask about features
    etc but always point away.

    When you hand it back, leave the cylinder open, hammer down
    on a semi, pull back and lock the slide back, hold top and offer the grip
    don't point it at them and hand back.

    Goes a long way shows you are cautious and conscientiousness
  18. cardboard

    cardboard Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2007
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    Lake Livingston, Tx.
    Springfield is in Illinios

    Don't other companies like Harley and everybody have stuff made in other countries.
    Don't chevy have a plant in Mexico >

    Springfield Armory
  19. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    Yep but Taurus is 100% brazil...

    Now a lotta guys like to look at brazillian's but not on the hip... LOL
  20. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    Last edited: Dec 29, 2012

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