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Test Run

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by Ashley, May 23, 2009.

  1. Ashley

    Ashley Active Member

    Aug 8, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Izmir Province, Turkey
    Today I fitted everything we are taking to Turkey onto the Harley and we went for a test run. I certainly noticed the extra weight, but it was not a problem even with my still not fully recovered foot. Performance wise there was no problem at all, the luggage all stayed where it should, there was no slippage, and the bike handled perfectly on a variety of roads, conditions and speeds.

    Getting out of London was a pain, something had turned the A40 and the A312 into carparks, but eventually, with the help of a short section of slow but moving M4, we got onto some nice Berkshire and Oxfordshire roads winding through the Chilterns. We ended up in Oxford, dropped into the local HD dealership, but didn't buy anything, and then came home by the A40 and a short section of the M40 around Wycombe.

    It was a good day out.

    Some pictures




    Yes, this everything for 4,500 or so miles.
  2. BluePearl

    BluePearl New Member

    Jun 7, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Ontario Canada
    I still can't believe it! I packed for 10 days on my classic and barely had room for tooth brush (wife had all of tour pack & 1 saddle but still) Looks like a good beginning for you guys Good Luck!!
  3. 1988flhtc in nfld

    1988flhtc in nfld New Member

    Sep 26, 2008
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    newfoundland, canada
    when i left alberta , had some tools leathers, 3 t shirts 2 pairs of jeans, ha wash n wear. wash in the tub or shower, hang to dry overnight, pick out the driest and wear it.
  4. Ashley

    Ashley Active Member

    Aug 8, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Izmir Province, Turkey
    Exactly. Check into hotel, sling smelly clothes in the shower, have shower, tread on clothes, wring, hang up clothes to dry. We are going to be in the south, it will be hot, so clothes will dry fast, overnight is not going to be a problem.

    One saddlebag has bike maintenance stuff, rain gear, the bag the detachable windshield fits into, spare gloves, so biker stuff. The other saddlebag has half the clothes. The roll has the rest of the clothes, plus the electronics, EPC, Sony Reader, cables, chargers etc. The bag hanging off the roll has light shoes, a wash bag, and a few other light bits, is secured with a cargo net, and doubles as a day bag for when we are not on the bike. The small bag on the windshield has travel documents, insurance, passports, cellphone, glasses, sunscreen, etc.

    Many items double up, for example, Cellphone is also a 7.2 digicam and GPS device. Riding boots are also sturdy walking boots. Riding jacket is light jacket for the odd cool evening.

    It is a real tight squeeze, but it all fits. Just. It has to last the two of us for four and a half weeks. Liquids such as shampoo and detergent may need to be topped up as we go but that is not a problem.
  5. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
    Likes Received:
    sounds like ya covered all the bases.......as for the liquids, over here the hotels have these in the rooms, along with laundromats....i dont know what you have where your heading. bike looks good, and it doesnt seem to look overloaded....have fun and stay safe........oh ya....some pics to help us along on your adventure!!!!
  6. ssgtpitt

    ssgtpitt New Member

    May 23, 2009
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    Colorado Springs, CO
    That's all you've got ?! Have a great time. 2 friends and I did a 4100 mile 2 yrs ago and are planning a 3K mile ride in August. No hotels though. We camp at KOA's, State parks and any cool place along the way. A coupla pans, a small propane camping stove and everything we can carry makes for a fantastic experience. Now if I can figure out how to make money doing this, I'd be in Heaven. Take pictures.
  7. Ashley

    Ashley Active Member

    Aug 8, 2008
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    Izmir Province, Turkey
    Be assured there will be pictures of the trip, probably not directly on here but I'll give you guys the url of where. Most likely our travelblog. I'll confirm where before we leave.

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