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This isn't OK

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by Hot01, Jun 27, 2008.

  1. Hot01

    Hot01 Active Member

    May 17, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Northern Colorado
    I can't even express how depressed I am right now. I just want my motorcycle back. I had no idea I'd ever feel this awful without it.

    Sorry, I just had to get that out where someone might understand what I'm going through.

    And yes, I'm very grateful that I didn't get hurt any worse. But now my elbow is hurt twice as bad as it was before, as is my knee - both things that they haven't been able to fix up to this point, so what are they going to do about them now?

    I'm totally demoralized.
  2. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    abby, i am really sorry to hear your body is feeling worse than before:(
    time will heal you. as i gain experience.......aka age........i find it takes longer to heal than in my misspent youth!!!!!!!!!:)

    i can relate to not having your bike. i put mine on the lift yesterday to change the cams,,,,,,,now waiting on parts and such.
    hang in there as better days are comming........but the wait is allmost unbearable!!!!!!!:)
  3. Hot01

    Hot01 Active Member

    May 17, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Northern Colorado
    Thanks Chuck,

    I'm trying to be positive, and I was doing well for a while, but the last week has been such a struggle. The dealership's policy is not to order parts until they have the signed insurance check in hand. I understand that, but at the same time, it isn't like they're going to get some new information that it wasn't their person's fault. They've said the check is in the mail for the full amount. I ended up calling my guy in service yesterday and asked if they could at least order the parts that need painting and just put them on my credit card. After spending over 5 grand there this winter, I would hope I have some credibility. I do. He said they'd order everything immediately.

    It all has to go to the Thunder Mountain custom paint shop, which is going to be the bottleneck. However, it will be beautiful when I get it back. It just would have been better if the b$tch ran me down in November.

    SPORSTERBOY New Member

    Mar 26, 2006
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    spokane, wa.
    That really sucks, I know where your coming from, as soon as the sun started to shine everyday, was the day I had to just park it back in the garage after working on it all winter, so instead I get to ride my bicycle and watch every one else ride.
  5. HellBoy

    HellBoy New Member

    Jan 25, 2008
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    I've had more serious injuries than any ten people I know and you'd never be able to tell when first meeting me. Hang tough, time WILL heal you, just keep the body parts gently moving . Even when I'm not riding the knowledge that my bike is there is comforting. I know there are many equestrian analogies, but there IS something about riding a motorcycle that's very similar to riding a horse. It gets into your DNA and isn't easily removed. Just imagine yourself where you want to be and you will get there in time. Good luck.
  6. SK

    SK New Member

    Mar 28, 2004
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    Las Vegas, NV
    Hang in there Abby. I understand your plight. I went down last July and couldn't do anything hardly all of August into September..prime riding season. What really hurt was I had the summer off before starting to work a new career and it all came to a halt less than 100 miles into the big trip I'd planned was starting. Couldn't even ride one full day of it. It was hard calling a few friends I was going to visit on that trip and say I couldn't come. They were all just glad I wasn't hurt worse than I was. Still can't completely straighten my left arm because of the broken elbow.

    Who's your insurer? GEICO cut me a check within 24 hours of inspecting my bike.
  7. steveb

    steveb Active Member

    Feb 28, 2006
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    Cambridge, Minnesota
    Hang in there Hot01 take things one day at a time. Whatever is going to happen will happen and stessing out don't make it happen quicker. Now is a good time to do all of the things you put off cause ridin got in the way.
  8. Blackmouth

    Blackmouth New Member

    Mar 31, 2008
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    San Antonio, TX
    It's natural too miss something as personal as your bike in circumstances like this...especially when you are hurting from your injuries.
    But, even though it's natural to get a little down, DO NOT let it get you too down.

    Try to find a little happiness in knowing your injuries weren't as bad as they could have been. And find a little strength in knowing your bike wasn't damaged any worse.

    In the meantime, take care of your injuries and use this time to rest...many of us don't rest as much as we should in today's fast world.
  9. Hot01

    Hot01 Active Member

    May 17, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Northern Colorado
    Thanks guys. Things are a lot better today. I went up to Thunder Mountain and went over the parts to order. I'm getting some really cool stuff, like turn signals on the backs of the mirrors (kill two birds with one stone), and an LED taillight with the wiring so that the taillight and the turn signals light up when I brake. I'm excited about the paint job from their custom shop and am looking forward to going down there to pick out the color. I'm pretty sure I want to do a black basecoat with red metal flake. Everyone at the dealership was so good to me. When this is done, I'll have spent over $13,000 on that bike there since December. :roflmao: I guess that isn't real funny, but at least it isn't all my money. No wonder they're so nice to me. The bike was $15,000 brand new 7 years ago.

    Some friends happened to stop by the dealership as I was leaving and I hopped on the back of one guy's bike and we went and had lunch. I'm not sure if I've ever been on a Honda before. I have to say, it just didn't matter. It felt so good to be in the wind. I guess that's the benefit of being a chick, you can always ride bitch and not look, uh, funny.
  10. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    "the benefit of being a chick, you can always ride bitch and not look, uh, funny."

    oh how true that is!!!!!!!!!!!!:D :D :D
  11. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    On a ride one time one guys Harley broke down and after the tow truck picked up the bike he rode bitch on my wifes trike back to the dealership and then she took him home. Can you say ribbing (all in fun) boy was he embarrassed and what made it worse was the look on his wifes face when he came riding up his driveway on the back of a Honda Valk Trike with a women rider. :D

    As for healing up Hot, believe me you'll get there. After my open heart surgery last Feb. I thought I would be shut down all year. You should see this 58 year old guy go now. Overnight rides, camping in a 3 man tent 400 mile days in the saddle and its only been just over 4 months. Been back to work sense the end of April, crawling under houses, up on roofs, in attics with no problems. One thing you'll want to do is keep limber and as soon as you can exercise, it'll make a world of difference. Also don't let yourself get down, keep smiling even when it seems like everything is going bad. :D

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