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This site seems to have a good cause

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by AFNurse, Dec 29, 2005.

  1. AFNurse

    AFNurse Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 8, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Great Falls, MT or deployed to......
    Just found this on the web recently. Seems to have a good, worthwhile cause. It is dedicated to Service members that have lost their lives and riding in honour of them. It is: Patriot Guard Riders I have signed on, but have not had time to participate with any rides yet.
  2. Killer-B

    Killer-B New Member

    Jan 22, 2005
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    Looks like an honorable site, so, I joined too, maybe I’ll get to catch a ride with them one of these days. :cool:
  3. scooter

    scooter New Member

    Dec 29, 2005
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    Likewise, couldn't think of too many things that are more honorable.
  4. 05glide

    05glide New Member

    Nov 21, 2005
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    Thanks for spreading the new about Patriot Guard Riders. I went to the site and had to join. My wife ran the Military Honor Guard program at Robins AFB for 15 years. The least one can do is Honor those who have given thier life.
  5. Johnny O.

    Johnny O. New Member

    Jun 4, 2005
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    I signed up a while back when someone posted it on another forum I belong to. I think this is a new low for man kind. That so called church, not the PGR.
  6. bikerjim1

    bikerjim1 Moderator

    Feb 16, 2005
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    Liberty Hill Texas
    Why do you feel it's a "new low" for man kind. Care to share a bit more on your view?
  7. Johnny O.

    Johnny O. New Member

    Jun 4, 2005
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    Well I guess people have gone lower before but for Americans to go to the funerals of other Americans (the ones that fight for the freedom to protest in the first place) to prosiest…whatever it is they are protesting. They say they are against solders because they belong to the government and the government supports homosexuality. Never mind that even if you don’t ask a guy if he is *** (don’t ask don’t tell) he still gets kicked out of the service if he is found out or comes out. How would you feel if they showed up at you Childs funeral or your parents for some off the wall reason that connected them to something they didn’t like, by some strange round about way, and said all toughs things? Even if they are just trying to push someone into doing something that will justify a law suet in their favor, (which is what I believe they are doing, just a scam to get money) it may not be the lowest man has stooped before but it is **** LOW! I am glad that so many bikers and Americans in general are willing to shield the families from them. Is that enough or should I share more? I don’t mean to sound like I am attacking you, I just get fired up when I talk about people like that.
  8. bikerjim1

    bikerjim1 Moderator

    Feb 16, 2005
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    Liberty Hill Texas
    You're not attacking me bro! I was just curious as to your definition of the low. I see your'e in germany. Service connected? If so, I understand your passion about the thread. Hang with it man,...we all have woes!
  9. GreyBear

    GreyBear New Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    Nomad, currently the Blue Ridge Mountains
    ***, BI or Straight..bloods red and deads dead....

    I understand the part about going low. People that take personal grief and turn it into a sideshow for thier personal agendas are scum suckers among other things I can't mention here because I do try to maintain. As to the men (and women) in our armed forces that put thier butts on the line so people have the right to "protest" without getting hauled off in the middle of the night, a bullet or a car bomb doesn't pass over anyone because of their race, religion, sexual preferences or anything else. And most of the people like the ones Johhny was talking about never faced the elephant....sheesh. I don't mean to rant but self righteous, bigotted idiots just piss me off..... I guess as I grow older my idiot tolerence level decreases more each year. Ride Free.....
  10. Killer-B

    Killer-B New Member

    Jan 22, 2005
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  11. GreyBear

    GreyBear New Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    Nomad, currently the Blue Ridge Mountains

    ****, reading that has helped me on a New Years resolution.......cause I sure as heck don't have any appetite now. What a sick piece of work..........
  12. Johnny O.

    Johnny O. New Member

    Jun 4, 2005
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    They call it a church……I call it a cult! I am a Baptist, from Meridian, MS (where he was born) but the thing that hurts my hart the most is that he was an Eagle Scout.
  13. CD

    CD Guest

    This is a America, and they must have the right for peaceful assembly and free speech or we defeat the very tenets of what we are about.

    Do I like it? No of course not. I would rather have them bagged and tagged but, I really believe this is better in some ways. It gets more exposure to the PGR and it's efforts and can add to their cause. As word spreads amongst cities and bases....you get the point. There are only so many idiots out there and a whole lot more Bikers that care about this and are willing to act.

    I detest tactics like this.

    I think flag burners should get the same treatment long with the pissers and the meat head that put a flag in a toilet and called it art.

    I think groups that want to undermine our soldiers should be undermined as well.

    I spent twenty years of my life defending the constitution of this country and shed blood for her. I have absolutely no use for the pukes and on a civilian level would love the old "met in dark alley and only one comes out scenario". As a soldier, I would have the task of defending their rights without the ability to interfere. Like it or not, it is what created us, sustained us and made us stronger for 230 years.

    Things like this illustrate the resiliency and the pure true nature of this country. Each side has their rights and the majority will prevail. Is there any doubt who the majority is?
  14. GreyBear

    GreyBear New Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    Nomad, currently the Blue Ridge Mountains
    Rights, Freedom and nut cases.....

    CD, of course I agree with ya. I was raised with the ideal that "I will defend to my last dying breath, your right to voice your opinions.....even if they aren't worth a 4" square of butt wipe." It is what this country is all about. And white folks don't have the marlet cornered on racism. We have nut cases in all colors, sizes, genders and any other way ya wanna catagorize them. And as much as I despise folks like the Reverand here, he has the same rights as any one with a brain does. But it still makes turns my stomach. And it should. Because when truly evil things don't make you react to them...something is wrong.
    I can remember "back in the days" as a lot of us can, when having long hair or riding a bike could get you anything from a stop and harasss to a serious butt kicking. So I have dealt with crap like this on a personal basis.
    And as long as they are simply practicing thier constitutional rights to freedom of speech, freedom of peaceful assembly, and much as it gauls me to call that a religion, freedom of religion they deserve the same protection as anyone else.
    But even those things that are rights also have consecquences. It is a persons "right" to walk down a dark street in a bad part of town at 0200 wearing a diamond tiarra. but I guarantee exercsing that right will have consequences....... and nut cases like this well some people aren't as domesticated as yours truly.......
    Ride Free
    Oh and CD thank you, and Welcome Home.
  15. scooter

    scooter New Member

    Dec 29, 2005
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    "I am quite sure that the arguements about rights and priviliges won't land on deaf ears here...however, there is a time and place for everything. Protesting a soldier, airman, sailor, etc....attempts to hurt the servicemember.

    Protesting their funeral, a day which should be filled with honor and reverence, hurts their loved ones, to include their kids.

    And to paraphrase "woe unto him who hurts the children, for it would be better that he would have a millstone around his neck and thrown into the sea than to face this type of judgement."

    I firmly believe that. This Phelps guy will get what is due him. Believe it. :cool:


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