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throaty pipes for new Dyna?

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by stbob95, Mar 16, 2006.

  1. stbob95

    stbob95 New Member

    Mar 14, 2006
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    Just bought my 1st HD a couple mo ago. 06-FXDBI- loven it! :D
    I'm looking for pipes that will give it that deeper-throaty rumble. Is there a rule of thumb w/ regard to length or manuf? I'd like to get away with slipping on a pr of cycle shacks but not sure that's going to do what I want. I mean, for the $$, ya have ta consider the option.
  2. bikerjim1

    bikerjim1 Moderator

    Feb 16, 2005
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    Liberty Hill Texas
    CycleShack's not bad is you want noise. I actually had a pair on my Dyna a few years ago that responded well sound AND performance-wise, and they cost me all os $100.00
    Bottom-line is what do you want / have to spend? That is the dependent factor on what you get!
  3. CD

    CD Guest

    Cycle Shack gives about the best bang for the buck there is. Their stuff is good quality and it performs very well. Gotta remember, these guys made the SE stuff long before V&H.

    The selection is still limited on the new Dyna due to all the changes. There is a Thunder Header which performs very well and some V&H stuff. Take a look in our store or give Sam or John a call at the 800-368-6217 number. Don't forget, it is EFI so you will need to have some fuel management system like the SERT or PCIII-USB.

    BTW, that Thunderheader is also available in black ceramic.

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