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Thumping sound coming from the clutch basket area

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by nthehillsoftennessee, Jul 14, 2007.

  1. nthehillsoftennessee

    nthehillsoftennessee New Member

    Jul 28, 2006
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    Hi Ya'll, I am experiencing my first thumping sound in almost 8 years!! 2000 FXDWG, my heart, my baby, my love is thumping.. I checked the primary chain and adjusted, it was a little slack, but the thump is still there. Tomorrow I will open the derby cover and do a complete clutch adjustment. Do ya'll think that will work?, or does anyone know of a recall in that area? Any ideas are greatly appreciated.. Thanks, Jeannie
  2. kenfuzed

    kenfuzed Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Las Vegas NV
    Hi Jeannie,

    Is the thump constant or just when you engage the clutch? Its hard to determine without knowing more. There are several things that could cause the sound, most of which require you to open things up and start looking around.
  3. Clem

    Clem New Member

    Mar 25, 2007
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    There's a double row ball bearing in the clutch hub that may be your thump. When it begins to go bad, the balls loose their cage so they can bunch together and since there are two rows, the bearing doesn't get out of balance quite yet. As the failure progresses, there is vibration and more noise Check it by removing the primary cover, grab the starter ring gear on opposite sides and forcefully try to rock the clutch hub. If it moves, the bearing needs replaced. I just discussed this problem with a knowledgeable parts man at the local dealer and he said Harley Davidson had upgraded that bearing due to the number of failures....Mine is going bad too and I also have a notable thumping, both audible and felt as a dull vibration. I'm gathering the parts to do the job myself.

    Bill C.
  4. nthehillsoftennessee

    nthehillsoftennessee New Member

    Jul 28, 2006
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    Thanks Guys, I was out of commission today. My mower took a dive. I have replaced way too many 93.00 spindles, MTD>>>>> I called them and asked what mowers they don't make and then I went and bought one. So, I will try that tomorrow morning. I sure hope it is just needing an adjustment. I will let you know tomorrow.

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