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Thunder-Max instructions condensed

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by cardboard, Jul 13, 2011.

  1. cardboard

    cardboard Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2007
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    Lake Livingston, Tx.
    This is for TBW models

    T Max TBW Instructions Made Easy By Zan
    New Set up or After Installation or Changing of Base Map
    1. Remove ECM fuse on bike.
    2. Re-install ECM fuse.
    3. Open T Max Tuner software in computer. Do not link to ECM yet. Establish internet connection, click on configure on tool bar, then click (TMax Tuner Update) and follow prompts. After uploading new software if found, next click [(EFI Maps) (EFI Map Listings & Definitions)] double click any map, when base map name encoding window appears click the (check internet for updates) and follow promps. Close window after updates.
    4. Select base map. I know what one mine is already.
    5. Once base map is selected TMax Tuner will load this base map and open front fuel flow vs. TPS window. Once front fuel flow vs. TPS is opened click on load base map. (Loads it into the TMax Tuner software on the computer.)
    6. Next go to tuning maps, click on module configuration, set idle (1000 RPMs), and speed odometer (2010 - 44750). Once entered click OK and close window.
    7. Now hook up the wire from the computer to the TMax ECM. Turn on ignition and handle bar switch and module will automatically link. Red link button will turn green.
    8. From the toolbar click (File) (Write Module Maps and settings) (then OK) Once base map has been written to module then clear any active diagnostic code readings and learned fuel adjustments that the ECM may already have stored.
    A. (Diagnostic Codes) – while linked to the module from the tuning tree select (module configuration) then select (diagnostic codes) then click (clear diagnostic codes).
    B. After clearing diagnostic codes proceed to map editing menu on the toolbar and select [(Clear Learned Fuel Adjustments) (CLP OFFSET)]. (This insures you are starting with a clean slate.)
    9. Initialization Procedure (Required for new module installation or when interruption of 12V power takes place.)
    A. Turn ignition switch and handle bar rocker switch to on / run for 20 seconds. (Do not start)
    B. Turn ignition switch to off for 20 seconds.
    C. Perform A. & B. 2 more times.
    D. Turn ignition on and let motor idle ONLY for 15 seconds then turn off. Let sit for 15 seconds turn back on and start. Then click on the un-link button, remove wire from computer to TMax ECM and your ready to ride.
  2. cardboard

    cardboard Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Lake Livingston, Tx.
    Updating Firmware

    Updating Firmware in Your TMax ECM
    1. Hook up a battery charger to your battery.
    2. Turn computer on link to internet. T Max Tuner Program Click on [(Configure) (Firmware) (Check for Firmware UpGrade)] Once Upgrade is loaded into your computer you do not have to be hooked to the internet to upload into your TMax ECM. Pay attention to where download is saved if it does upgrade.
    3. Link to TMax ECM from computer with wire to Module. (Turn ignition on to link to ECM)
    4. Click on toolbar [(Configure) (Firmware) (Upgrade Module Firmware now)]
    A. Firmware upgrade requires un-interrupted computer and motorcycle power supply. Turn off screen savers, and or stand by on computer and hook up a battery charger to your motorcycle battery.
    5. When prompted Firmware Upgrade – Module Read click yes, it will then open up a file box so you can find the most current upgrade, click on it then click open. Once opened a window will appear titled Module Detection. Follow the promps to continue firmware upgrade.
    6. A dialog box will open stating Module Detection and will show time remaining for download. Once initialization completes the Module Detection Window will appear again and will ask you to cycle switch off for 20 seconds then back on, after switch has been cycled dialog box will automatically close.

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