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Thunderheader Application

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by SLICK, Aug 3, 2005.

  1. SLICK

    SLICK New Member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I have a '97 FXDWG (Dyda Wide Glide). According to the makers it is Not to be used w/ a Carlini torque arm. However I can not get a straight answer as to why. I currently have a Thunderheader on my bike and the Carlini arm. Everything fits perfectly but am having problems w/ snapping exhaust studs. I think by using the thinner exhaust gasket I can stop this problem. The other problem is that the pipe is starting to crack in several places.

    When installing the pipe I am sure that there is not any binding, and it is installed w/ the thunderheader rubber mount. When revving the throttle everything torques at the same time. Can't figure this one out, and no help frome the manufacturer.

    Anyone have the same problems or a solution?
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2005
  2. Sleepy

    Sleepy Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2004
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    I remember having a 96 Dyna with a T-Header. I used their bracket that they supplied with the pipe. Basically it was similar in function to the Carlini although it was one ugly piece. The rear of the bracket had a piece of tubing that went rearward a foot or so aft of the tranny mount and the collector of the pipe was attached via a rubber bushing to this and it kept things from being too floppy. I didn't have too many problems with the pipe as far as breaking stuff goes.
    I eventually went to a pro pipe and a Carlini. it looked better and it worked better. Depending on how beat up your Thunderheader is I'd keep the Carlini and get a Pro Pipe and the rear mounting hardware is compatible with the Carlini..no fuss no muss....
  3. voodoo1

    voodoo1 New Member

    Mar 31, 2004
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    what i know

    I wanted to get a thunder for my 01 and 02 wide glides however the thunders to create different(more) vibration at the higher/different higher speeds on the wides. The factory pipes are taken into consideration for vibrations with the rubber mounting. the thunders are a differeent fit (weight and length) thus causing the vibrations. Seen two fellas out here go though mounts.pipes and cracks and that was enough for me. Do not know if they have ever worked it out but not gonna find out the hard way. Man they sure do live up to the name THunder..nothing sounds like a Thunder!!!!
  4. solow32

    solow32 New Member

    May 23, 2006
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    Bend, OR
    FXDWG Thunderheader

    I had a thunderheader on my 98 wide glide for 2 years and 8000 miles with no problems what so ever. I did use the rear bracket that was supplied by thunderheader and the rubber mount but I never experienced any problems. I took the pipe off and sold the bike to move into a bagger but I have a very nice pipe and mikuni for a EVO wide glide if anyone needs one at a good price.
  5. CD

    CD Guest

    Stop and think about what you are saying. T-Hdr says specifically not to use the Carlini with the T-Hdr because it interferes with the mount. It also will space the pipe out adding twist to the head pipes and snap studs. If you using only the rear part of the bracket then I would expect exactly what you are experiencing also. Can't blame the header as you are choosing to install it in a way they say not to. Calling them or any other manufacturer would produce the same answer....We said not to. They do not have to go beyond that as they have no intention of changing it.

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