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Tips to watch for when getting Dyno Tuned

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by roadking00, Apr 17, 2005.

  1. roadking00

    roadking00 New Member

    Apr 16, 2005
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    Marietta, Oh , For a little longer
    Can anyone with experience on tuning EFI models on a Dyno machine give me a little insight as to what to make sure is being done by the tech tuning my bike ?
    I would imagine ALL techs doing dyno tuning would be properly trained and qualified on thier shop equipment , but who knows ?? Just looking for a heads up on the whole thing???
  2. CD

    CD Guest

    The answer to the second question is no, that depends and who defines properly trained? A good tuner can work wonders but a bad tuner can wreak havoc and both may believe they are doing it right.

    A lot goes on during a dyno run. A true tuning center will make several runs at various throttle positions in order to get the F/A correct at that throttle position. They will have a long probe that goes way up into the header portion of the pipe so they can get the best F/A reading possible. Depending on the operators skills and pace, it may take an hour or several hours.

    On an older Dyno like ours, you end up doing a lot of testing and interpreting graphs, making changes, make a run, make.....

    The real test is whether or not they guarantee to get it right and does it run right afterwards.

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