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to much pressure at the filter

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by nitrofish_69, Mar 8, 2006.

  1. nitrofish_69

    nitrofish_69 New Member

    Mar 8, 2006
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    I have a 96 ci ultima engine on my bike. I started it last night and it started squiting oil around the filter. Upon further inspection I noticed that it had actually blew the oil filter away from the base of the filter. Thinking it was a fluke or a bad filter I replaced it and it did the same thing to the new filter. Any ideas?
  2. goats_hogs

    goats_hogs New Member

    Mar 7, 2006
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    East Central Indiana
    Not sure about an Ultima engine, but I'm assuming it's still the same basic setup as a Harley or S&S. You shouldn't have that much pressure at the filter, not enough to leak at the base. I've seen them leak from overtightening, but they would have to really be torqued down for that. I usually just go hand tight, maybe plus a 1/4 turn. I doubt this is the problem though. Next, I'd check to see if the pressure relief valve on the pump is stuck somehow. If the engine is cold, or the oil is too heavy, that valve should bypass the filter, and you wouldn't have that type of pressure at the filter. Hope this helps, at least is something to check.

    If you have a oil pressure gauge, what kind of pressure is it showing? I guess you could have gotten 2 defective filters, stranger things have happened. Knowing what the pressure is, might eliminate the bypass valve mentioned above.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2006
  3. nitrofish_69

    nitrofish_69 New Member

    Mar 8, 2006
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    I didnt let it run long enough to see what the pressure was. I was told that the lines may be crossed, but I have put almost 2000 miles on the bike with no problems. This thing is actually blowing the oil filter apart. The return line to the tank is clear sio I know thats not the problem.
  4. goats_hogs

    goats_hogs New Member

    Mar 7, 2006
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    East Central Indiana
    Is there any chance there is something blocking the passage from the filter? Seems unlikely, but that would explain the excessive pressure bursting the filter.
  5. nitrofish_69

    nitrofish_69 New Member

    Mar 8, 2006
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    I checked that. I took the return line off and blew threw it fine. I would think if the line from the pump was blocked that it wouldnt let the oil get to the filter at all. Im by far no expert, but I have been around all types of engines all my life and this one has me completely puzzled. I appreciate you input.
  6. goats_hogs

    goats_hogs New Member

    Mar 7, 2006
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    East Central Indiana
    I'm at a loss. I'll check with some others, and let you know if I find anything. Hopefully someone else will chime in on this, I'm afraid I'm tapped out of ideas. Good luck.
  7. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    i want to back up a bit here.........did the problem start when you changed the filter, or a while after changing it. you said the return is clear....is it returning the oil?? is there an old oil filter gasket still stuck to the engine?? i have seen that many times......keep us informed.......
  8. nitrofish_69

    nitrofish_69 New Member

    Mar 8, 2006
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    The problem just started out of the blue. I was looking at things last night and the oil filter was plumbed backwards. Changed the lines at the filter and no more problems. The odd thing is I have put almost 1500 miles on the bike before it showed any problem. My thinking is it has only been run in warm weather before and maybe the oil being thicker now is what helped find the problem. Anyway, thanks for all the help and suggestions. I appreciate it much.

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