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Tomorrow might be the day

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by dinosdeuce, Oct 6, 2005.

  1. dinosdeuce

    dinosdeuce New Member

    Sep 26, 2005
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    Peyton Colorado
    I put money down on a new Ultra 3 weeks ago. It was delivered yesterday to the dealer. Now I need to see if I get a decent trade for my '04 Deuce.

    If so I'll be the proud owner of a new Ultra :D

  2. dinosdeuce

    dinosdeuce New Member

    Sep 26, 2005
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    Peyton Colorado
    Done deal, got more for the trade than expected :D :D . Brand new Ultra sitting in the garage tonight. A lot different than the Deuce in handling. Drove home 60 miles in 41 degree weather and wasn't freezing, nice change. Should have the break in miles done in a week.

  3. AFNurse

    AFNurse Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 8, 2004
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    Great Falls, MT or deployed to......

    Congratulations on your new ride! I have the Standard.....LOVE IT! And the Ultra has ALL the bells and wistles! Enjoy!
  4. Sleepy

    Sleepy Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2004
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    They're a little heavier, don't look quite as good but there's a lot to like about a touring rig..I sure enjoy mine and you'll like yours too..and they don't handle that bad either..have fun with it.
  5. Goose

    Goose New Member

    Mar 25, 2004
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    Texas Coastal Bend
    Hey, Bob, just curious, but what sort of gas mileage to you get? The new wings are pretty pathetic, high 20s, low thirties. I know Grif's Beemer LT was AMAZING, was getting high 40s at 80mph running out to Tucson one trip. :eek: I'd think a FI low rpm twin could match up pretty well with those figures. I love tourers, but if I ever get a new one, I want it to be easy on gas what with current prices. :D A Standard is amazingly well priced compared to the competition, too. I could add my own stereo, if the walkman didn't satisfy me. The walkman works pretty well, though, on the SV. :cool:
  6. SK

    SK New Member

    Mar 28, 2004
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    Las Vegas, NV
    I thought Bob and Marc said they were getting around 40 mpg when stepping on it some, and mid to high 40's when cruising lightly. My buddy's EG Std (doesn't have the 95" kit..only added some slip-ons) get's mid 40's and can garner 50 if you keep it under 75 mph.

    Reports from several LT riders I've ridden with can get over 50 mpg if they don't go over 75 mph steady..frikkin amazing for a bike that weighs close to 900 lbs. Plus..the new LT's have more power than the slightly gutless early versions.
  7. Goose

    Goose New Member

    Mar 25, 2004
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    Texas Coastal Bend
    Grif's older LT was anything but gutless compared to my old GL. :D

    Well, my SV only gets mid 40s and when I'm really steppin on it, I've seen forty even, but that thing FLYS when you step on it and I don't run it that hard most times. I get mid forties and it weighs 400 lbs wet. So, mid 40s for a tourer is GREAT!

    I don't quite understand the LTs, though. There's no way those things SHOULD get that good on gas, but I know for a fact they do! Maybe it's superior aerodynamics? Great motorcycles, just WAY expensive. I didn't like Grif's for a couple of things, seat height and side stand. The side stand sux on those things. Grif just uses the center stand. I had to tippy toe it at stops it sits so high. I mean, that doesn't bother me on a 300 lb DP bike, but on a bike that big and heavy, I get paranoid, LOL! I never quite got used to those tiller handlebars, either, but reckon with some seat time that wouldn't be a big problem. It was rather weird first time, though.

    I really think the Ultra/EG Standard is a more logical choice, especially a standard on my meager income. It'll wait, though. I'm envious of ANYone getting a new big rig, though. :D I'll do it, won't be soon, but I'm gonna do it I swear! LOL If the EG/UG gets that sort of mileage, it's pretty danged close to an economy choice! Yeah, that's the ticket. About the price of my wife's toyota echo and a HECK of a lot more fun!
  8. Sleepy

    Sleepy Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2004
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    The E-G gets between 40 and 50. I've got the 95 kit and reflash but with stock pipes. I know two up pulling a trailer at 75 MPH pulls the milage down in the high thirties..like anything else, the clser to WFO you go the thirstier they get. The bike will be better than the old wing for pulling the trailer but they're not that great. I could get flamed for this but for a big motor the power band is quite narrow..even stock where the torque is supposed to come in earliest you don't really want to load the motor much below 2500. They work the best around 3200 RPM..good torque and decent power..they just sing there. They should put a 6 speed in the touring bikes and have the ratios close together so you aren't hunting for gears going up hill with a loaded bike.
  9. Goose

    Goose New Member

    Mar 25, 2004
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    Texas Coastal Bend
    Interesting, THANKS! Sounds like it ain't any worse than my Oldwing. That thing is gutless in the lower half of the band, needs to be spun up over 4K to do anything serious. And, sounds like you're getting about 5 mpg better than me.

    If I got a Glide, I think I'd wanna keep it stock bore and stroke and open it up and let it breath a bit. I wouldn't want a real LOUD exhaust, just open it up and let it breath with a mellow roar.

    It'd sure be nice to have EFI. Man, you get that Wing above 6K and it's gasping. Get it about 8K and it feels like it lost a cylinder.

    I was towing my flat tracker over to Baytown the other day and got stopped in stop and go traffic. The thing puked water from the radiator. I could smell antifreeze. It was over 100 degrees. Coming home it started running hot.

    I checked, could find no leaks. Filled the radiator and rode it to the shop in Edna, on the way home started running hot. So, today, I pulled the left cylinder head and sure 'nough the gasket is bad. It has these little holes around it that are perilously close to the cylinder. Don't like the design. It looks like it just eroded, natural aging/wear, and was allowing compression into the water jacket.

    I'm going to pull the other side and replace the gasket on it, too, so I don't wind up finding out it's bad out in BFE somewhere. I guess you gotta expect a little problem now and then on a 22 year old motorcycle. I'd just like to have a new one so I don't have to wonder if it's up to this or that trip, LOL. This is the first major thing (pretty easy job, but wouldn't wanna do it on the side of the road) that's gone wrong with it since I've had it, though. I'm counting on it getting me by until I can afford something better/newer. I should pull the friggin' motor, I guess, and overhaul it, but I'm too lazy. That's a major job involving pulling the cases apart on that motor cause there's no base gasket. If it needed a bore, I'd have to strip the case halves clean of parts. PITA. It's only got 62K on it and runs good, so I'm just going to fix what's broke.
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2005
  10. dinosdeuce

    dinosdeuce New Member

    Sep 26, 2005
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    Peyton Colorado
    The break in on the motor is tough for me to do. The first 50 miles engine RPM stays below 3000 and 60 MPH. 50 to 1000 miles, RPM stays below 3500 and 80 MPH. Only got through the first tank today. Bike is stock (until after first service) but I got 44 MPG out of the first tank. That is a lot of weight to push down the road.

    First impressions (compared to the Deuce, stage 1, V&H Pro Pipe, Power Commander): Feels like I'm sitting on top of the bike, much more upright position; power mediorce, suspension and seat are great. Handles great for size of bike. Don't like the factory windshield. Ordered the 9 1/2" today. THe factory should have the option to get the size you want. I don't like looking through it. I can just barely look over it now. Wish i hadn't waited so long to step up to a "cadillac".

    Goin to order a PC, stage 1 air filter, and Rineharts. American Iron is doing a series on an '02 Ultra. By adding the above and dyno'ing; HP went front 58 to 76 (according to AI). The only problem I have is I haven't heard the Rineharts. The other option for pipes is V&H true duals with the oval slips ons. Will talk to CD to get his opinion. My main goal is good usable power without loud.

  11. Goose

    Goose New Member

    Mar 25, 2004
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    Texas Coastal Bend

    Exactly. That's what I'd be shooting for. 76 hp is plenty considering the torque the motor has. That's what I'd shoot for with a Glide. My Oldwing doesn't have the torque that motor does, about 80 RWHP, and pulls a trailer just fine except up mountain grades where the carbs are running rich as Bill Gates and it ain't making that horsepower. I'm SURE a Glide set up like that would be way superior to what I have now for a touring bike. I'd be looking at a Standard to fit my standard budget, but sounds like it'd do what I want of it and then some. EFI would be SO nice in the mountains!
  12. Killer-B

    Killer-B New Member

    Jan 22, 2005
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    Do yourself a favor. And don’t ‘baby’ it. I know the thought of winding up a new motor is suppose to be bad but, its old-school, before modern boring techniques, better rings ect.

    I subscribe to the thought of after the first few miles,,, ride it like ya stole it.

    PLEASE read this ALL,,, I think its some good info:cool:
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2005
  13. Goose

    Goose New Member

    Mar 25, 2004
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    Texas Coastal Bend
    Even old school, I've always heard running it up on the tach before a shift won't hurt, just running it extended periods at high rpm over recommended break in was a no, no. I've also heard the old wives tale of not letting it settle in at one speed, but changing rpm now and then. Don't know, nor ever did know why on that one.

    Heck, last new bike I bought was in '02, the SV650. It said not to run it over 7K for 500 miles. 7K in top gear is over 90 mph on that bike. Why would I want to exceed THAT? LOL! I'd run it up to 10,500 through a gear or two. It's 13K miles and it's still strong as ever.
  14. dinosdeuce

    dinosdeuce New Member

    Sep 26, 2005
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    Peyton Colorado
    Killer B,

    Thanks for the link.

    I have just over 200 miles and I took it easy as per dealer instructions. you can bet as soon as I can get her out of the garage I will ride her like she is stolen. Its snowing right now so it might be Tuesday before I ride again. I plan on using synthetic oil only because I ride year round, 25 to 100 degree tempertures. I feel that way I will get the most of what synthetic offers.

  15. dinosdeuce

    dinosdeuce New Member

    Sep 26, 2005
    Likes Received:
    Peyton Colorado

    I totally agree about a buget but................ I am finally at a point where I have done without for a considerable amount of time and I went for the full monty. I really wanted a road glide, but becasue I ride year round I wanted the lowers and the storage space of the tour pack. By the time I added up the cost of buying those from Harley color matched I was up to the price of the Ultra. Harley has it goning on. Where else would you buy a product only to have everything else you need to fully utilize it cost extra as an option????? :confused: :confused:
    Any how I just went in debt and said the hell with it. I am very happy with the ride and will just rent it from the bank for the next several , many, etc.,... years until I own it.

  16. Sleepy

    Sleepy Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2004
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    did someone say snow?

    I'm cleaning up the edges on the planks and getting ready to wax...4 weeks and it's time to rock!!!!....[just gotta make sure I don't hit too many] but....
    getting back to bikes..I read the link..interesting. I haven't broken a bike in quite like that. The first hundred miles I don't yank on it too hard but after that I ride it like I normally ride it..nice and easy...... ;) I liked the road glide too but I needed a trunk the Classic was the way to go for me.
  17. Goose

    Goose New Member

    Mar 25, 2004
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    Texas Coastal Bend
    Hey, goin' in debt is the American way! :D I'd LOVE to do it. I have no debt right now. I would do it if I had a steady income.

    Yeah, I'd want the bags and trunk, too. I guess they gotcha comin' and goin', eh? You're hard core riding year around in Denver. LOL! My sis lived up in Evergreen for a while, but Denver's a LOT lower elevation. I ride year around down here, too, but it's a little different on the Texas coast. We did have snow at Christmas last year, though! :D I think it was the first time in recorded history. Sure was neat! It was all gone in a couple of days, though. :(
  18. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    i just bought an 06 electra glide standard.....i still have the 65 electraglide.... i wanted the bags but not the tourpack and all the other stuff that goes with the ultra. i think it looks cleaner. i love the way it handles and the milage is good also. 1400+ miles and with 2up iget over 40mpg. i just did my own stage one on it, dont have any mpg figures yet. the stage one i did cost 60 bucks.....the preformance is a lot better tho.....good luck with yours!!!!!!
  19. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    Bob, nice and easy! you better put a real big grinn on that one.
    You ride like I do, smooth and fast :)

    Dino, what color did you get. I just picked up an 06 Cobalt Blue and Silver Ultra. I'm like Bob after the first couple hundred miles I ride it normal, exept for a steady speed down the freeway for a few hundred miles. Soon as I gey my 1000 miles on it the whole thing gets an oil change with Amsoil in all 3 holes.
    Riding this weekend up to Hood River for the Hood River Harvest festival. The old gals up there put on a pretty good feed :cool: and gonna ad some more miles up on the new Ultra.

    Sense I still had my old SE mufflers from a previous bike I polished them up and put them on. Don't sound to bad, not real loud but not to quiet like those choked up stock one's are. :D
  20. dinosdeuce

    dinosdeuce New Member

    Sep 26, 2005
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    Peyton Colorado

    Ditto on the color, cobalt blue/silver. It looks better everytime I look at it.

    I have a question. I ordered Rinehart true duals and a PC from direct parts. I was browsing the owners manual and it mentioned catalytic mufflers. Will I have to do anything other than R&R????


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