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Tomtom rider!

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by Julle, Feb 28, 2006.

  1. Julle

    Julle New Member

    Apr 7, 2005
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    How can i conect my tomtom rider gps to the sound system on my 94 Ultra??
    There is an xtra (not in use) contact back on the radio,what can this been used for??
  2. Hdtractor1

    Hdtractor1 New Member

    Nov 22, 2007
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    If you have an aux.out plug on the Tom Tom and a Aux.input plug on the bike radio connet one red rca from aux.out on Tom Tom to Aux.in on the bikes radio then switch the radio to Aux.when you want the Tom Tom on.

    If you have an out put on the tom tom and no input on the radio,you could go to radio shack and add a small input box to your radio.This would actually be an input/output box that your radio would connect to and the Tom Tom.

    If your not real savy with the inputs/Outputs take you Tom Tom and bike to a shop where they install the car stereo's and it would be a breeze for one of those guys.

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