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Toronto, Montreal, area cheap Harley hire?

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by NeilP, Oct 14, 2011.

  1. NeilP

    NeilP Active Member

    Nov 17, 2009
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    Jersey, Channel Islands
    Anyone know where I can either hire, beg, borrow or exchange use of for a few days a bike of some sort

    Cant afford to go to one of the full on harley hire places...they are out of my league cost wise.

    I am on holiday over in Canada for a couple of weeks from Jersey, Channel Islands, England...back home on 23rd Oct, and was thinking of hiring a bike for the whole trip...but it was going to cost way to much.

    Am travelling with friends now...but a few days out riding while here would be great if it could be arranged

    Bit late now, as i am already over here, but if any oen can help out that would be great



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