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Touring Map for PC III USB

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by DeathWind, Apr 11, 2006.

  1. DeathWind

    DeathWind New Member

    Mar 27, 2004
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    Jacksonville, FL
    Until I can get to a Dyno, which map have you had the best luck with for a 05-06 touring bike with Stage I ECM, SE Air Cleaner, and Screamin Eagles Touring slip-ons (#65115-98B)? I just purchased a 2006 Road Glide with above mods. On the PC web there is a stage I map for this setup (M807-005), but it was done in November of 2003. There is a stock ECM map for this air cleaner & exhaust for a 2006 touring bike (M807-218). I've heard varying stories on what the stage I ECM flash does. Does it change the fuel/ignition map any, up the rev limit (heard rev limit was only change it does), or both?

    Looking at all the info I can find online it sounds like the best starting point would be the newest map for the stock ECM. Right or wrong?
  2. CD

    CD Guest

    I wouldn't advise it. The SE Stage 1 alters the RPM limit and the fuel and timing maps.

    Why would the M807-005 be a bad choice? The EFI ECU hasn't changed so I would think if it wa way off, they would have done a new map.
  3. DeathWind

    DeathWind New Member

    Mar 27, 2004
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    Jacksonville, FL
    Touring Map for PCIII USB

    Sounds good CD. I know the pipes have been around for a while, but wasn't sure if the ECM or Air Cleaner had changed much in the last two years. Until I bought this bike I only had dealt with carburated Dynas. Thanks for the input.
  4. DeathWind

    DeathWind New Member

    Mar 27, 2004
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    Jacksonville, FL
    Map is good

    I used the suggested map for the Stage 1 ECM and mods....I cannot believe I am riding the same bike. Why doesn't Harley do a better job at mapping their own equipment? Riding before the PCIII was like trying to get grandpa out of an easy chair. Now it idles smoother and runs better & quicker. Thanks for the info.
  5. TERRY50

    TERRY50 New Member

    May 8, 2007
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    I Have A 07 Ultra. I Have Big Shots True Duels On The Bike, Stage One Kit. I Had A Power Commander On The Bike, The Oil Pump Went On It. They Put In A New O8 Engine. Took Off The Power Commander Before I Took It To The Shop. After Putting On The New Engine, They Mapped The Commander That Was Stock On The Bike, To Accept The Pipes, And Stage One Kit. Bike Runs Better With The Stock Mod, Then The Power Commander That I Had On It. (oh Ya, Cost, 120, Compared To 280. You Do The Math)

    HAMSHOG New Member

    Sep 5, 2007
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    Palm Springs, CA
    I used a boxed map from Dynojet on my '05 RKC and it ran great, but the milage went to 30mpg....:banghead: I've had a dyno and it's back to 35mpg, and I'm tweaking it more to get it back up near 40 or above. Good luck!!!

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