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tranny main shaft seal

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by strickt9Rob, Sep 12, 2006.

  1. strickt9Rob

    strickt9Rob Active Member

    Mar 20, 2005
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    Upstate NY 20mi SW of Albany
    I just put new primary in a 95 heritage, 64,000 miles on old blue.the tranny was weeping a little fluid before I replaced the primary .New pimary chain, clutch basket, kevlar clutch, sohotbikes hydro chain tenssioner ,new outer main shaft seal.Changed all the seals in the inner primary, the only seal I didn't change is the "Quad Seal" ? didn't want to take the tranny out or apart at the time Thought I could get away with out it. Well the bike runs an shifts better then ever. but the F#ck/#g thing still weeping. Couldn't feel no side play in the shaft bearing, it still might be some cavitation? Didn't seem to leak when I first started it,let it run for a while looked for leaks.It was raining like a cow pissin a on a flat rock, so i couldn't take it down the road. Rode it to work 20 miles one way when I parked it. shewas weeping ? suggestions? yea! I know time for a new Six Speed...............Rob.
  2. dts

    dts New Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    quad seal

    are you refuring to the main drive oil seal on the tranny,where the beltdrive spocket lives?
  3. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    There are several items that can leak in that area, and yes it can drive you nuts.

    The bad news is that you need to take it apart to get to every seal, and when you take one apart, replace every seal each time.

    The inner primary has three seals, shifter shaft, main shaft and an o ring around the stator. Be sure you don't catch the o-ring when installing and that the seals at the starter and main shaft are in the correct way.

    Also be sure to get the new seals from a dealer lots of indy shops don't carry them but HD really improved the seals and they have a higher tension spring in them to keep them from leaking.

    The piece that could be leaking is the shifter seal, this is quite common.

    Here's the trick, drain the tranny of your normal gear oil, and replace it with redline heavy shockproof oil, 1) it's the best and it will shift better than ever 2) it's pink, so if its the shifter shaft seal or the trans seal you'll find pink oil on the floor, if it's still the primary it will look like good old oil.

    The shifter seal is pretty simple to replace, and the steps are in the SM, The mainshaft seal is a bigger job.
  4. dts

    dts New Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    shifter seal

    by removing his primary unless he is going into the tranny won't afect the shifter seal..and I've had my bick apart changing belts pullies etc and havn;t had to replace my drive seal or jackshat seal..just be gentle is the key
  5. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    Correct but that is the one seal that tends to leak more often than not and it should be inspected when tracing a leak.

    If he's got a leak the primary has to come off to inspect.

    Check for leaking signs around that seal, easy thing to do is clean it up first before disassembly and then change the trans to Red Line Heavy shockproof gear oil, best on the market and if the leak is pink, it's in the trans, if it's brown oil it's in the primary.

    Then you know where to look to do the repair.

    Overfilling tranny's can cause the overflow to puke out fluid too and the drain hose is in the same area. so watch that as well.
  6. VYBR8ER

    VYBR8ER New Member

    Apr 5, 2007
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    Central Valley, CA
    To change the QUAD seal you don't have to go into the tranny! When you remove the pulley you'll see a silver spacer that goes around your mainshaft through the mainshaft seal. Remove this spacer and use a small pick to pull out the quad seal. replace it and while your at it you may as well replace the large main shaft seal. Make sure that you use a wire brush on the thread for the hub nut so it is clean and you can get proper torque on the nut. Forgot this once and had a quad seal leak after putting it all back together. IMHO, if you spend the time to tear out the inner primary, you aren't saving any money by not replacing every seal you can get to because the one you don't relace is always the one that causes you to go back in.

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