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Transmission Leak on a Harley RK

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by ringo912, May 26, 2007.

  1. ringo912

    ringo912 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2007
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    Anyone have any experience replacing the main shaft seal in the trans on an 02 Police RK? This is the shaft that goes through the primary and has the clutch and drive pulley attached to it. Does the trans have to be removed?
  2. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    ringo, i think there is quite a few posts on this board about that.....maybe a search will turn them up??? i havent done one on a new model yet....
  3. tpiro

    tpiro New Member

    Jan 6, 2005
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    nashville, tn

    ringo . . . to chg the mainshaft seal. . . you don't have to remove tranny.
    1)drain tranny and remove and/or loosen the left riders footboard
    2)remove the back shifter lever
    3)drain primary fluid and remove primary cover
    (you'll have to remove the left rear passenger foot peg to get to one of the primary screws)
    4)remove the primary chain tensioner shoe adj screw
    5)remove clutch basket, primary chain and compensating sprocket (you can do this all at once) remember compensating nut removes and installs differently unlike the clutch asmbly. You will need to get a manual anyway for the torques values, etc. It will show you under the "Primary Crankcase Section" also, you'll need the special longggg socket tool to remove the mainshaft nut. It's 1 7/8 inch. I bought one at autozone, cut it in half and welded a pipe in between to give it the length I needed.
    6)remove the starter jackshaft
    6)remove the inner primary and watch out that you don't drop the starter bushing. If you do remember how it went in or it'll be backwards when assembling.
    7)now is where you'll need that 1 7/8 socket to remove the sprocket nut (counterclockwise on that one with impact and it'll come off easily)
    NOTE: when you remove your inner primary, if the starter bushing drops it will be in front of the sprocket hiden. . use a magnet.
    8)once the nut is removed, remove the rear sprocket (you'll need to loosen the rear axle a bit to loosen the belt)
    9) wa. .la. . . there's the seal. To get it out you need to be careful. I drill tiny holes on each side in the middle of the ring and screw screws in it a bit to pop it out.
    10)clean area well. use a magnet to pickup any debri
    11)wd40 the new seal and install evenly until flush

    now reverse everything :) to assemble. Go get that manual.

    I might have missed something, I just slapped this out to you to get you started. . .if so, check your manual (Touring)
    This will take approx 3 hours to complete. Most places will charge approx 300 to 400 to do this job. don't forget, when in doubt (mark it) also, you'll need new gaskets for whatever you take off. . .good practice.

    good luck!

    The BikeSmith
    Last edited: May 31, 2007
  4. ringo912

    ringo912 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2007
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    Thanks Tony....it's my borther in-laws bike. I think he has a manual, if not, I'll make sure he gets one. The info on the special socket is priceless. Looks like we should be able to do this, no problem. I rebuilt my first bike engine at age 14. It was a 160 Honda Dream that a neighbor gave me. I'll let you know how it goes.
  5. tpiro

    tpiro New Member

    Jan 6, 2005
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    nashville, tn
    it was an HD I was referring to

    it was an HD I was referring to. . . not a Honda. . . sorry but maybe the same concept. Regards, TP
  6. ringo912

    ringo912 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2007
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    TP....my brother in-laws bike is a Harley. I mentioned the Honda just to brag about my mechanical abilities at age 14.:soapbox:


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