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TTS Master Tune

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by cardboard, Jul 13, 2008.

  1. cardboard

    cardboard Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2007
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    Lake Livingston, Tx.
    what do you think of the TTS Mastertune and will it work with TBW on the 08 touring bikes.

    Does anybody know anything about this product and how it works, and what they mean about the auto tune mode.:banghead:
  2. cardboard

    cardboard Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2007
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    Lake Livingston, Tx.
    TTS is no longer the software supplier. The new supplier for the "Super Tuner" is SPX Kent Moore. The screens look more like the Digital Tech screens since the software is from the same supplier. There are currently no plans for "auto tune" or real time cell tracing, which would have been nice. Dealers will be limited to 4 Super Tuners per month as production on the new tuner ramps up. As the product is tuned the same way the old one is, there should be no problem in getting your bike taken care of while one product is ramped up and the older one is phased out. You will be able to paste and copy older tuning files from SERT to Super Tuner files. The new dongle marrys to the ECM as the old one did. The biggest advantage from my perspective is USB connectivety and the data record option on the new dongle.
  3. cardboard

    cardboard Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2007
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    Lake Livingston, Tx.
    Well for those of you who do not know me I work at TTS and we designed and manufactured the SERT and several other products for HD. Many updates that we wanted to do were turned down repeatedly by HD so that is why the product did not grow as it should have. That being said we will be releasing our tuning software for the HD bikes to the public in the end of Feb. first part of March. The product works on windows 98 and newer platforms and yes it's windows Vista compatible. It will look and feel like the SERT as it has always been owned by TTS but there are several upgrades being added for the first release. As many of you have figured out having files on the net is no big deal but that was something HD refused when we proposed it 2 years ago. As people send in files we will update our site with them but it's up to you the customers to send them to us for posting. The first release will get some pretty nice changes that I cannot speak about just yet but rest assured it will make tuning your Delphi HD bike much simpler and quicker than anything on the market. One feature I can tell you about is the ability to take a copy of a calibration that is currently on your bike, just plug in and upload the current calibration from the bike and save it to your PC. If at any time you want, you can simply program that file back into the bike as you have a copy of it. As the new product gets closer to release I will post all it's new features. The SERT was and always has been a product of TTS. Just look under "help" and "about" in every copy of the software ever sold. We manufactured both the hardware and software. HD has never owned it. Up until last year there were agreements in place that no longer apply so we are taking the product to the public and it will be marketed as a TTS product once again. If you do some searching you would find we've been manufacture tuning and logging software since the late 80's early 90's. The product will revert back to the original names of Mastertune and DataMaster. Ever wonder why the file ext's were .MTx and DMx? Now you know why. The current product (SERT) can be run with both applications on the screen at once and you can simply "click" from one window to the other as this is a standard feature in windows. We have no involvement in the new tuner that HD will be selling. The maps on our site are a free service that we provide for anyone to download and use. It's a clearing house of maps for our products but it's up to you the public how good it becomes. As stated before I cannot get into everything that will be coming in our first public release but rest assured there are many improvements with many more to follow in future releases. Everything we've wanted to do for over 2 years is in the works but it will not all come out in the first release as it would take to long to complete it all. Any purchaser of our new TTS product will be able to update to the latest software free of charge. This is something we've wanted since we first started selling through HD back in 2002 but again they refused to move forward with much of anything other than to add the next model year for coverage to the product.
    Two different SERTs from different manufacturers? Hmmmmmm.........

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