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Tuning questions for the Stage 1 kit

Discussion in 'CVP Stage 1 Tuners Kit' started by Presstek, Sep 14, 2008.

  1. Presstek

    Presstek New Member

    Sep 14, 2008
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    Hi all, I'm new here. I installed the kit on my 03 Heritage using the 195 main and the 48 pilot as instructed. The engine would Idle perfect and ran great to about 2/3 throttle but lost a little from that point to WOT. Doing the WOT test and backing off slightly the engine would stumble then pick back up. Also, while coasting It would backfire out the exhaust, a little when I first back off the longer I coast the worse it would do it. So I dropped to the 190 main and 46 pilot and this helped. Idle is still great, just had to back out the EZ adjust screw a little farther. Now it feels strong at WOT with just a slight stumble then quick recovery when I close the throttle an 1/8th. However, the coasting backfire is still there and didn't really improve with the smaller jets. I'm running Vance and Hines Big Shot Longs, and the K & N Big sucker filter. Two things that I don't understand. First why would it be to rich with the jetting for stock filter and exhaust considering the mods I have. Second, why the backfire, this was never an issue before. BTW the jets I pulled out before the kit were 45 p and 185 m

  2. kenfuzed

    kenfuzed Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Las Vegas NV
    Deceleration pop or backfire is more of a condition associated with the exhaust system than the carburetor. This backfire through the pipes is almost always an exhaust leak where cooler air is being drawn back into the pipes. The most common point of the leak is the exhaust gaskets but the condition can also occur with straight unbaffled pipes pulling air back in.
  3. Presstek

    Presstek New Member

    Sep 14, 2008
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    The exhaust system only has about 1k miles on them and still have the factory baffles and there were no issues with backfire before the kit. I did however check and re-torque the exhaust, and look for signs of leakage at the head but found nothing wrong. Also with the slight stumble coming off WOT do I need to try a 185 main?

  4. kenfuzed

    kenfuzed Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Las Vegas NV
    You can try going back to a 185. The thing with exhaust systems that draw air back up toward the head/port or don't scavenge gasses as well is that a richer jet will actually contribute to the popping or surging. It's a double edge sword when it comes to jetting some pipes - to eliminate the decel popping you may need to go lean on the main jet, yet you end up with a leaner (hotter) WOT. In some extreme cases I've seen people stretch or use a stronger spring to close the slide faster. Let me know if you need to try a different spring and I can send you one.
  5. Presstek

    Presstek New Member

    Sep 14, 2008
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    I have the factory spring I took out of it which is slightly longer than the one in the kit I could try if the 185 don't help. The V&H big shots have the crossover that they call the "power chamber" that helps scavenging. Also they are the long pipes that come out past the swing arm which I would think wouldn't be as bad about pulling the fresh air in like the short pipes will. I'm gonna try the 185 and retorque the exhaust and give an update.
  6. ironhorse

    ironhorse Active Member

    Sep 20, 2006
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    I'm everywhere, I'm everywhere
    while your playing you might through in a set of new SE gaskets retourqin woun't do much if the gasket is already bad
  7. Presstek

    Presstek New Member

    Sep 14, 2008
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    Ok, I tried the 185's they were too lean so It got me thinking it can't be the carb. I removed the exhaust only to find that it WAS leaking just not enough to hear. It had SE gaskets in it, I put the stock ones back because it looked to me like that soft taper would seal better. Put it back together, and no more backfire. The weird thing is I had no backfire before the kit and it had to be leaking then, I guess with a better metering of fuel things need to be right. With that issue gone I could concentrate on tuning. I ended up with a 48 P and 190 M. The throttle response is excellent now, mid range is great. Next week we'll see what the mileage is ridin' down to Thunder Beach.

    Thanks for all the help
  8. kenfuzed

    kenfuzed Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Las Vegas NV
    Great to hear it. Whether you use SE or OEM gaskets, once they crush upon installation it is very common to have them not seal a second time around. I've always used the SE gaskets with success, but replace them anytime I unmount the head pipes. It doesn't take much to make them leak, and even a small leak can produce big tuning headaches.

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