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Turn Signals (LED Replacement)

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by slickrick, May 20, 2006.

  1. slickrick

    slickrick New Member

    Nov 20, 2005
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    I bought some 194 style 12Vdc LED bulbs to get some brighter signal lights. Put them in no problem, but only one light works (the blinker, the marker light does not light), then when I ground it (touch the signal body to the fork) the other light works (the marker not the blinker). I am confused! :confused: When I put the orginal bulbs back, 194NA 12Vdc sylvania lamps, in they both work with no problems. If the old lights had the same problem I would trouble shoot the ground but they work fine.
    I put new signals (low profile) on last year and the wiring is good. The low pros look great but they don't stick out and show the signal very well thats why I got the LED's.
    I am going to pick up a mulit meter to check continuity as the trouble shooting flow chart states in the service manual, but if it is only doing it when I put the LED bulb in how does that factor into the trouble shooting.

    Is there something different with the operation of LEDs that I am not considering with this problem?

    I attached a mpeg of what the new bulb looks like.

    Did some more checking on my problem and it looks like I need to add a Load Equalizer. Does that sound right to you guys?

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: May 20, 2006
  2. CD

    CD Guest

    What is the watt load of these bulbs? You might need to use a load eq to get the right wattage for the turn signal circuit. If the markers are not working, verify the orientation of the bulb in the socket.
  3. slickrick

    slickrick New Member

    Nov 20, 2005
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    Load Equalizer

    I need to get a Load equalizer, can you suggest one or what type of things it should do? I did some checking and the Badland brand seems to be good but they have several different models. THis is for a 1999 Softail.
  4. CD

    CD Guest

  5. chrisflhtc

    chrisflhtc New Member

    May 7, 2006
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    Check out www.biketronics.com Led's are cool I am in the process of changing all my marker and signal lights to led.

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