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Turning a new front axle...plus much else

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by NeilP, Jan 6, 2012.

  1. NeilP

    NeilP Active Member

    Nov 17, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Jersey, Channel Islands
    Hi all.
    well it has been 18 months since I dropped my Sporty and then started stripping it to do a few other bits to it at the same time.
    When I dropped it, I pulled the wiring out the RH bar, crushed the clock, dented the fuel tank and front fender, and snapped the steering stop off the triple tree

    In 18 months I have bought a few bits, taken more off the bike but not stuck anything back together again.

    I built a stand


    Took the front end off to re chrome the fork stanchions, then stopped. they had been leaking since I had the bike as the chrome was pitted so i thought i would re chrome.
    But then on e-bay I saw some new 'second hand' forks complete. Never used, some guy took them off to fit springers to his bike.
    So I bought them....but wrong axle size.

    My local dealer says I cant even just swap the stanchions as the internal are different too...but externally the only difference seems to be the axle hole.
    I have a wheel with narrow axle, new forks have the thicker axle.

    So what are my options? I had planned to just machine myself a new axle....but what type of stock to use? just ordinary bright bar or something else? will basic stuff be good enough is is not going to hold up ? will it need hardening?


    is there perhaps an axle ready to go that just slips in to replace?
    I notice that the dimension that the thicker axle will have at the thread end, will still fit through the bearings of my current wheel...so did the thicker axles have the same diameter central portion and were just thicker at either end? or where they bigger all over?

    Final question for now

    I cracked the steering stop off the lower triple tree when I dropped it, but think I will just get that welded back up. What do you reckon? ok to weld it back? of get a new one.

    Other bits I have acquired are
    1200 big bore kit..uses 883 heads
    bigger Custom Fuel tank
    matching Seat
    New Black Front fender
    Front brake reservoir...old one got cracked

    Still need new RH switches,
    Forward control parts
    and probably stuff i have forgotten. that will become apparent when the build re commences.

    It is still probably 6-9 months before I think about re taking my test.so still got time to get it together. Want to get back on the road first with the Heavy Good Licence so i can earn some spare cash to pay for it all. I have been so pre occupied with building my electric bicycles it eh past 18 months, i forgot I could have started applying to get my full car/truck m/cycle licence back 3 months ago...To be honest..it was the girlfriend that has been pestering me to get them back as she hates driving..I'd happily go without a driving licence. Whe you got an electric Mountain bike capable of more than your local island speed limit..who needs a car..and I still have been out with the local H.O.G. chapter for a few Sunday morning rides..on my MTB :)

    All the best and Happy new year

    Last edited: Jan 6, 2012

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