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V&H Straight Shots

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by AFBombBldr, Jan 27, 2005.

  1. AFBombBldr

    AFBombBldr New Member

    Nov 13, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Sandhills of NC
    Hey all, as much as I've read here about V&H and others' pipes, not much has been written about Straight Shots. Does anyone have experiences with them, good or bad?
    My bike--'04 Wide Glide, I'm thinking of jetting CV carb or going Mikuni, and high flow intake, but nothing major to the motor. Would like the torque curve to be pretty steady throughout.
    Are the SS pipes a good choice, or are they too much like drag pipes (i.e., reversion, loss of power)? I like V&H fit and finish, but will go with Big Shots Staggered or some slip-ons to keep some power.

    Thanks for any and all thoughts.

    Joe :D
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2005
  2. AFBombBldr

    AFBombBldr New Member

    Nov 13, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Sandhills of NC
    Age old question

    Can any of you guys provide some insights? Thanks!!
  3. AirJoe

    AirJoe New Member

    Feb 6, 2005
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    I've got a set on my '96 softail and like them just fine. Sound great and seem to perform as good or better than the SE slip ons I had before.

    I was considering switching to a 2-1 like the pro-pipe to go along with some additional mods I'm planning. Everyone says the 2-1 will perform better because of "scavenge" or whatever. However, I checked the nightrider.com site's exhaust comparison and found the straight shots ranked pretty high for perfomance. Beat out a lot of the 2-1's too.
  4. lowrider

    lowrider New Member

    Jan 28, 2005
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    vance and hines

    i had long shots on my fxr was very happy with them now i have a 95 lowrider and i have big radius by vance and hines only thing i would recommend is some kind of air cleaner i did a hypercharger, and a jet kit for the carb if you want to keep stock i did a yost tube kit it comes with a jet kit huge diffrence very happy good luck

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