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V& H True duals

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by Harley Charlie, Apr 7, 2005.

  1. Harley Charlie

    Harley Charlie New Member

    Mar 25, 2005
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    My 02' FLHRC with Stage I and Screaming Eagle tail pipes is running VERY LEAN. I think that a DFO would do the trick. Do you think so also? I know that a racetuner kit will work for sure but it seems like alot of money spent on a basic stock motor. I am trying for optimum performance without going into the motor.

  2. AFNurse

    AFNurse Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 8, 2004
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    Great Falls, MT or deployed to......
    third option

    A thrid option that you have besides the DFO and HD Race tuner would be the Power Commander. The PCIII slips into the wiring, and you can get a map that is close off the internet from the power commander web site. It is quite easy to use and I think it falls in between the other 2 on cost.

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