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V Star 1100 Poor Performance

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by MIKE WRIGHT, Sep 25, 2004.


    MIKE WRIGHT New Member

    Sep 25, 2004
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    Help I Have A 01 V Star 1100 With Stage 1 Carb Kit And Vance & Hines Slip Ons Over Nite It Started Missing And Backfiring Under Load Until It Warms Up 10 To 15 Min Of Riding I Have Run 2 Tanks Of Fuel Thru Bike With No Change Our Dealer Techs Here Suck The Ais Is Still In Tack Thanks
  2. larry

    larry New Member

    Sep 6, 2004
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    Hi Mike,
    I can understand how you feel. My brand new FXD ran so terrible I couldn't believe that I bought it. You should check around for a multi-shop. I went to a shop that builds bikes along with working on anything. After they rejetted my bike I could swear that it was another bike they gave me back. That's how much difference there is. They knew what they were doing. I went there after a friend from where I work went there and had his Honda rejetted with straight pipes. His bike runs fantastic. Now my bike runs fantastic. There are shops out there that truely know what they are doing. I hope the best for you on finding someone out there that you will learn to trust working on your bike. I have, and it's a good feeling. The dealership has lost my respect on working on bikes. This bike shop that I will go to from now on has my thumbs up!
  3. larry

    larry New Member

    Sep 6, 2004
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    I almost forgot to say that I was a Yamaha man since 1978. My last bike was the V-Star ( 650 ) Silverado. My wife and I were married last year in a motorcycle wedding and rode it to Tennisee for our Honeymoon! It was the start of a new era in our lives. She had never rode on a bike until we met. Now we plan on going somewhere each summer on the motorcycle. So good luck on your bike and know that you aren't alone in having a bike that has had trouble with running correctly.
  4. dutch

    dutch New Member

    Mar 25, 2004
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    How long after the up grade work was done did the problem start? How many miles on the bike and what was done at your last service? Dutch

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