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V-twin trans problem

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by LPT 2, Sep 28, 2008.

  1. LPT 2

    LPT 2 New Member

    Sep 28, 2008
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    hey everyone,

    This is my first post here, new member.

    I own a 2003 road king classic with 23,00 miles, recently experienced a tranny problem and was wondering if there is anyone out there with v-twin 5-speed tranny experience that could answer a few questions?

  2. duke76

    duke76 New Member

    Sep 20, 2006
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    NW Iowa
    First of all welcome to the forum. I'm sure someone hear knows something but first, What is the question? Todd
  3. LPT 2

    LPT 2 New Member

    Sep 28, 2008
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    Thank you for the reply,

    Approx. 1-week ago while riding I developed a metal to metal clicking noise coming from the rear of my primary case at the trans pulley. This noise would come and go and would occasionally hear a little louder noise that sounded like a small piece of metal being kicked around and sounded like it would get caught in a gear and then get spit out. This noise would come and go also. I took it straight to the dealer. They had my scooter for 2-days, they told me that there was too much oil in the primary, cause of the problem. Altough they test rode before and after, they said that they were unable to duplicate the noise that I had described. They also removed the primary case for inspection and found everything to be normal then replaced the oil to the correct level. I paid them 60 bucks but had my doubts that they had really found the problem. I rode away and could hear that something was not normal. a day or so later I again heard something that sounded to be getting caught in gears somewhere. Had someone tell me to drain my trans oil and check for metal. I did and found pieces of metal that appear to be a ring seal or bearing seal. I've attached pics of what I found and my question is, is any one able to tell what I've found, what it's purpose is and what exactly needs to be done to my tranny. I have an extended service plan that covers the trans but my mechanical knowledge is limited to say the least. I've lost trust in the harley dealers, I've found too many things done wrong or left undone after my scheduled services and I've dealt with two hear in michigan and one in ohio. I would just like to know what's happened to my trans and whats involved to repair it so when I talk to the dealer I can sift thru the BS and have an idea that the repair they're suggesting is actually the correct one and that a experienced trans mechanic is doing the work.

    Any input would be greatly appreciated.

    Attached Files:

  4. duke76

    duke76 New Member

    Sep 20, 2006
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    NW Iowa
    well, in the first picture you can see USA and INA (brand of bearings harley uses), It is part of a bearing cage or race, I would say the trans definetly has to come apart as it has a bearing out. I dont think I would drive it as it might cause more damage than what it already has, but if you have the extended warranty that should be covered, take it to your dealer with the chunks you got out of the trans and show it to them any dealer worth a crap should be able to take care of you, Todd
  5. LPT 2

    LPT 2 New Member

    Sep 28, 2008
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    Thank for the reply sir,

    I'm trying to get all the info I can so when I talk with the dealer and they're explaining things to me, I'll be able to tell if they know what they're talking about or just BSing me, if they're BSing I'll move on until I find someone I think knows what they're talking about, pinning it down to a brand of bearing that harley uses was a big help, I appreciate the input. My service plan includes having it trailered to the shop. It's rough right now not being able to ride, I'm in Michigan and we're running out of ridin weather quick. Again, thanks for the info and if you think of anything else, please post.

  6. ringo912

    ringo912 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2007
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    Hey LPT2...where in Michigan are ya and what dealer did ya take it too? I'm in Michigan also!! It's definately part of a beraing cage. Looks like it could be the one that is in the inner primary case, the one where the clutch assembly is mouted too the output shaft. Might be why you are hearing it through your primary!
  7. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    yup, what they said!
  8. LPT 2

    LPT 2 New Member

    Sep 28, 2008
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    Hey ringo,

    I'm in S.E. Michigan, downriver area. had it in motown last
  9. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    The thing is about sounds, sometimes they are out there to hear, and sometimes they dont come back as easy, also , you ride it all the time and bikes will talk to you, in other words you know the bike and it's normal sounds so you know when somethings off.

    It' appears to me that the transmission INA bearing in the trap door has gone, don't ride it, if it has the mainshaft can walk in and pull the bearing, then engage two gears at once, causing a nice rear wheel lockup. Yes I've had it happen, after installing the Rivera pro clutch with the gold racing spring (Highest pressure) to keep up with my 124.

    You will probably need a new trap door and bearings, The trap door edge that holds the bearing is pretty thin and it's not designed for constant higher HP or abusing riding , and can giveout

    Replace it with a billet +Jims trap door, that comes with bearings installed and is chrome. Much stronger unit, you're probably looking at several hours of work and a trans isn't that hard to redo, it's also a pretty strong unit.

    They will need to replace a lot of internal bearings etc.

    Let the coverage plan take care of it and remember the bits might have dropped down in the oil or been caught by the magnet so they were no longer floating around and the test rider might not really have heard anything.
  10. Tomflhrci98

    Tomflhrci98 Active Member

    Aug 18, 2004
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    So. Cal.
    I would demand a completly new trans. Don't even fck around with trying to repair that one.

    And get your $60 bucks back !

    Good luck.
  11. Lucifer

    Lucifer Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2008
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    Cape Breton NS,Canada
    I can't see how they could say too much oil in the primary would be the cause of the problem....all that would do is cause your clutch to slip as far as I know. They should have gone a little further and drained the tranny oil when they didn't find anything in the primary except for what they said "too much oil", if there even was too much in it:rolleyes:
    When you get it fixed be sure no gear teeth are chipped or broken... I would be a little leery of these guys since they quit trying to find a metal to metal noise so quick. If you have warrantee..use it ,if not I would try to find someone else with a good rep as a wrench. JMHO.:devil:
  12. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    Trans gears are pretty tough, I doubt they have been fubard.

    I've rebuilt my 5 speed mostly bearings and seals nothing else.

    I'm still betting on a damaged trap door and a mainshaft that is walking.

    The only bearings that would need to be replaced JMO cage, trap door inner case bearing for secondary shaft.

    Shouldn't be more than a half days work if they have the parts.
  13. Lucifer

    Lucifer Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2008
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    Cape Breton NS,Canada
    I agree with you HRK, I was just thinking that if one of the balls from the bearing got in the teeth it might do some damage. I thought the balls are made of hardened steel.
    I still don't think they should have stopped at an overfilled primary,claimed thats the problem without even looking at the tranny oil. When they didn't find anything making a metal clicking noise in the primary or pieces of anything, the next logical thing to me would be take the drain plug out of the tranny to see if there is anything there. They are connected and sound can travel from one to the other,so it should have been checked too.
  14. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    I agree if the balls fell out of the cage, and with a bearing edge like that it's possible but not probable as the gear next to the bearing is about as large in diameter as the bearing it'self, in fact I think it's bigger in diameter, so unless that gear moves big time I don't think the balls will get out of the races

    but anything is possible.

    and if a ball did get loose it'd probably roll around the bottom not much room in the teeth to pick it up, but you never know.

    Agree they should have checked the trans

    my guess is the noise was when that trans bearing edge gave out and now that it is out, well, no noise.

    If he didn't have a warranty I'd walk him through checking it out but with the warranty, take it back show them the bearing edges, let them repair it.

    Trans are easy to rebuild and you can always get new gears.

    You might find out how much it costs (charges/pays) and talk the dealer into charging for the RNR and you buy a new HD 6 speed and pay the difference.
  15. LPT 2

    LPT 2 New Member

    Sep 28, 2008
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    Got it in to the dealer late Monday afternoon, they came and trailered it in. They called this morning, said trans had some gear damage and estimated repairs at $903.00. Dealer just ten minutes from the house and I went and checked it out. Chunk knocked out of 4th gear and nicks in some of the other gears, everything is being r&r'd and the extened service plan is footing the bill. I do have a $50 deductable, and I'm going to try and get them to waive it based on me already giving them $60 for a bum inspection. I agree with everyone, when I told them about the metal to metal clicking coming from the rear of my primary at the trans pulley, they should have pulled the drain plug on the tranny, 2-minutes and less than a quart of trans oil, thats nuts. They ordered all the parts this afternoon too, maybe by the end of next week I'll be back on the road, it's gettin cold quick, suppose to get down in the 30's tonight.
  16. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    good luck with it!!!:)

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