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Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by ringo912, Jun 13, 2009.

  1. ringo912

    ringo912 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2007
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    Hey everyone...been absent for a while. Between school and work haven't had much time for anything. Done with school now, so got some time on my hands. Friend of mine has a 98" Heritage Classic, EVO engine, and is gettiing a lot of vibration in the right floorboard. I took the bike for a ride and the vibration is in sync with the RPM of the engine. The mor RPM's the more vibration. One of his friends rode the bike and said the vibration actually made his foot go numb.

    I checked the bike over. All engine and trany mounts are solid and tight, no cracks in the welds on the frame. All wheel bearings, pivot arm bearings, and steering head bearings are good. The vibratin is there even when the bike is in neutral and increases as your increase the RPM.s. The bike has 53K on it and he has done several burnouts. I'm suspecting that the right flywheel has shifted. I suspect this becasue the vibration is only in the right floorboard and nothing on the left side> Any thoughts?

    Thanks and good to be back
  2. Tomflhrci98

    Tomflhrci98 Active Member

    Aug 18, 2004
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    So. Cal.
    Hey Ringo, nice to hear from ya.

    Try a compression check before you start to dig into the lower end. Check you coils to make sure the resistance values are within about 10% of each other and within spec from the manual. Try a new set of plugs and wires.

    If you still think it is the crank you will have to pull the nose cone and measure the total crank shaft run out with a dial indicator. I think the manual will tell you that the run out has to be within 0.0045 inches.

    I lost the center rod bearing at 53K on my 98. I started to feel a vibration but what was more noticeable with the loss in power.

    I hope this helps.
    Good Luck,

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