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Wal-Mart Greeter

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by cardboard, May 3, 2010.

  1. cardboard

    cardboard Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2007
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    Lake Livingston, Tx.
    Charlie, a new retiree-greeter at Walmart, just couldn't seem to get to work on time. Every day he was 5, 10, 15 minutes late. But he was a good worker, really tidy, clean-shaven, sharp-minded and a real credit to the company and obviously demonstrating their "Older Person Friendly" policies.

    One day the boss called him in for a talk: "Charlie, I like your work ethic. You do a bang-up job, but being late so often is quite

    "Yes, I know boss, and I am working on it."

    "Well good, that's what I like to hear. It's odd though you're coming in late. I know you're retired from the Armed Forces. What did they say if you came in late there?"

    "They said, 'Good morning, General, can I get you coffee, sir?'"
  2. cowboy

    cowboy Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 19, 2006
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    Alvin TX
    Now that's a shame aretired gen having to work wal-mart:roflmao:

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