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Weekend adventure

Discussion in 'Trips N' Trails - the ride is the adventure' started by Hot01, Jul 12, 2009.

  1. Hot01

    Hot01 Active Member

    May 17, 2004
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    Northern Colorado
    And this was during work. I just put it here because it was an adventure.

    Taught a class this weekend. I do it just about every weekend now. I'm getting really confident and enjoy it more and more every time. Wel, not every time. There was the one time when this chick rode like crap and I kept trying to help her and she complained to my boss that I was an intimidating witch. Whatever.

    We had eight women in this class. The funny thing is that in New Hampshire, I could usually count on the women being just as good as the men. In Colorado, not so much. We were working on shifting into second gear, starting out without stalling, and remembering to turn the gas on dummy (among other things) WELLLL past where we should have been dealing with it. There was one woman who had dropped her bike three times before heading into the 7th exercise yesterday. She also had a tendency to drop the clutch while waiting in line during and exercise and go flying off towards light posts or curbs or other students. :eek: The thing is, she didn't act like she felt it was an issue. :confused:

    So we went into the 7th exercise. It's a smaller oval, and they were starting to learn cornering. You have half the class riding the oval while the rest of the class is sitting on the side watching until it's their turn. There was definitely a lot of coaching needed, but this woman (the one who'd dropped it several times) couldn't get 2nd gear to save her life. My patience was going. I kept wanting to do this thing: :witsend: but I have to act like everything's OK. All I could do was try to make sure she didn't kill herself or someone else. When that group finished, she dropped her bike on the way back to the staging area. My partner went over there. I saw her pick the bike up, along with the piece of clutch lever that had broken off, and she sat on the bike and was talking to the woman. Whew! Time to call it a day for her.

    We didn't go on much longer yesterday, but the class was a lot better today and everyone passed, even though there were some serious lightning bolts striking all around us during the last evaluation. There were still people who stalled it out when taking off during the test, but it wasn't something we were evaluating.

    Another day, another dollar.
  2. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    i dont think i have the patience to do what you do.......congrats on a successful class!!

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