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Well its like this

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by cardboard, Dec 13, 2012.

  1. cardboard

    cardboard Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2007
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    Lake Livingston, Tx.
    Know you heard me talk about my nephews mom passing away and him being depressed for a couple years.
    And him coming home at nite time and the concrete divider that goes in the center of the road, it was on the right hand side of the road.
    And my nephew was coming home and got off the edge of the road and hit it and flipped his car.
    The Police officer that come to the sceen ask him if he had had anything to drink and he said 3 beers. He wasn't even conscience.
    He don't remember talking to the police officer, He don't remember the ride in the ambulance to the hospital. He woke up in the emergency room
    That is all he remembers.
    All this happened a YEAR ago.
    If you seen his car, you can't even tell what kind of car it was. Its torn to pieces
    You would wonder how anybody could make it out of the car alive.
    He was super lucky.
    My brother in law showed me the divider on the right hand side of the road. Its in a dark place and if you get off the road the shoulder will not let you back on.
    Well he went to the court with his lawyer and the lawyer said they don't have any solid evidence would they drop the case.
    The judge said NO.
    Will set another court case and you can come and plead your case.
    Well my nephew deceided to go into the Military and fight for his country
    He passed the written test. The physical test would be super easy for him
    He runs a lot, he's 23yrs old.. Hes like 6'4"
    Well after all this BS he's having to go threw, and my BIL has already spent over 5000.00 on attorney fees.
    My nephew has come to the conclusion that is the system is this bad.
    He will not go into the Military and fight for his country . They don't care about him. The system is broke and crooked
    All the system wants is his money. He is only a kid and doesn't believe in the system.
    Hes a good smart kid. He was depressed for a couple years. After living with us for a year, we pulled him out of depression. Hes back to his old self again.
    He told his dad hes sorry his dad is having to pay for everything and hes sorry hes putting his dad threw this.
    He lost his full time job having to take off and fly to AZ for the court case and all they did was reschedule everything. There is no need in him lookin for another job till he can see what they want to do.
    He wasn't drinkin, had no alkehol in his blood. But they want to still make him come to court and make him plead his case..
    He has lost his interest to serve his county totally.
    Hes a smart kid. He would of made a good trooper.

    I told Him I totally agree with him
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2012
  2. Sleepy

    Sleepy Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Sorry to hear this. I'm hoping that he gets out of his charges, whatever they are. I also hope that he isn't going to give up on it all..not at that age. It's a hard road if you got no hope.
  3. cardboard

    cardboard Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Lake Livingston, Tx.
    To top it off his moms sister just had a heart attack and died while he was at his sisters house for Thanksgiving in N.M.
    Life has been hell on him for a few years. And he's been trying to grow up all this time.
  4. Fatboy128

    Fatboy128 Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2011
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    Long Island, NY
    Sorry to hear about your nephews problems. Having raised 4 sons we have been through some similar problems. DUI's, drugs and an actual arrest for something the kid WAS guilty for. A good attorney and the US Army enlistment officer went to the court and helped the kid get off with just a "violation" which enabled the kid to get into the US Army and fight in Iraq. He came home and became a cop in PA!
    If they didn't take blood to test for DUI they don't have a case. Blood is always taken even after a breath test. If they get a positive breath test they still take blood to confirm DUI and to be evidence. The violent crime and traffic deaths in AZ have dropped more than 48 percent since the entire state got tough on drinking and drugs. There conviction rate is very high BUT that is with their policy of taking blood to test and confirm. Something doesn't add up. Could be the judge is a p__k, or the cop is lying? Without evidence the ADA would be an ass for pushing the case through. Maybe the attorney is milking the parents?
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2012
  5. cardboard

    cardboard Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Lake Livingston, Tx.
    He used to live over a year ago in Gilbert with his dad. He moved to Texas and is living in the condo with my wife. He went threw everything with the Military in Texas where he took the written test and was gonna join. He was called to go to court, so he didn't take his physical test cause he knew he couldn't git in with this hanging over his head. Don't think they are going to AZ to say nothing for him
    The Hospital took blood NO AKEHOL in the blood .
    Talked to the dude about this at the Harley dealer who lives there and keeps up with it..
    He said all the SNOW birds come down every year from UP north. Said they can't drive, they cause most all the wrecks. When they leave all the wrecks they have nearly disappear.
    The snow birds brings a lot of money to AZ.
    They got big camp grounds for the snow birds too.
  6. marc 55

    marc 55 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2012
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    Basking Ridge, N.J.
    The hospital has records of every test they take...They would have tested for alcohol and drugs after any accident as standard policy...They have do that to see what is in his system before they can administer any type of medication/treatment...I smell a rat somewhere...
  7. joshbob

    joshbob Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2010
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    Hobgood, N.C.
    So do I.
  8. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    Hope he gets through it CB and can then be able to get on with his life. Make sure he dose not plea to some lesser charge to get off that could screw up any chances of him getting into the service. Life sure sucks at times.
  9. cardboard

    cardboard Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2007
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    Lake Livingston, Tx.
    I've heard they said that they are saying my nephew had something in his blood. It wasn't akehol. They don't know what it is. And they can't prove what it is.
    But they are going to proscute him on it.
    I told them I wouldn't go for a lesser degree.
    His lawyer asked if it was taking anything. He said No.
    YOu got to realize, he ran into the end of a concrete divider that was put on the side of the road. He demolished his car. All he remembers is wakin up in the emergency room. His spine was fractured and in bad shape and he was in a removable cast. He couldn't do anything for a while. He was lucky to be alive.
    She said he was weak and they will eat him and send him to prison if he don't Plead a lesser degree. So I asked people in the family if you didn't do it, and say you didn't do it you should plead to a lesser degree to keep from going to prison and it goes on your record any way.

    Hes gonna have to go back to court. and plead his case.
    And this is how our system works.
    I no longer believe in the system.

    Gilbert is a small town. And they are lookin at making a example out of him. They want to send a message so everybody else will pay up. This is how towns operate. And we wonder why there are so many people in jail and prison.

    I said to the wife I would go to Prison. And I would never work another day in my life.
    I would look for the system to take care of me. I would go on whatever I could to stay alive.
    I would never give a dauym about nothing again. I would develop a super bad attitude against the system and I would preach it if this is how the system works.
    I can survive on the streets.
    Now I know why he said he wasn't going to serve in the military for his country.

    I would walk into a restaurant when I'm hungry or sit down order food and eat or a store and pick up stuff and start eating.
    And say the system put me here. Let them pay for it.

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