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What jet sizes are in the kit?

Discussion in 'CVP Stage 1 Tuners Kit' started by dustinbi, Jan 14, 2012.

  1. dustinbi

    dustinbi New Member

    Jan 14, 2012
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    Chicago, IL
    Hello, new to the forum, and fairly new to Harley-Davidson and motorcycles in general. I've had a 1991 Sportster XLH 883 Hugger for a few months now, and now that it's winter I want to start tearing in and doing some work to get her ready for the spring season.

    Looking at the Stage 1 kits I know I'd like to just go all out and do a deluxe kit, and I know it's recommended for the 883 to put in a 180 main and 45 pilot jet, but I can't tell which jets come in the kit. I am looking to do a 1200 conversion at some point, and I'd like to not have to buy new jets again. Reading up on that procedure, many recommend the 180 main and 45 pilot for that anyway.

    Anyone who's bought either kit, any help with this question would be appreciated! Also, any other helpful suggestions for upgrading or customizing, ideally fairly inexpensive.

    Thanks guys!
  2. kenfuzed

    kenfuzed Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Las Vegas NV
    Hi Dustin, actually a jetting of 45/180 is often too big for an XL 883 but is suggested elsewhere by those who don't do anything else to the needle and other settings. In general that jetting would leave most 883's overly rich.

    The kit for your bike would include a range of pilot jets from 42-44 and main jets 170-175 and selection would be based on other factors (air cleaner type, exhaust type). All of this is explained in the instructions.


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