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What tools are needed for CV upgrade

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by Buckeye47Fan, Jul 13, 2008.

  1. Buckeye47Fan

    Buckeye47Fan New Member

    Jul 6, 2008
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    Hello everyone, I just purchased the upgrade kit and I was wondering what tools I will need in order to complete the install. I ordered the basic kit with the EZ adjust. I just picked up my bike yesterday and I don't have many tools laying around.

    I rode the bike home and noticed it was coughing/farting ? as the bike was warming up, when I would blip the throttle. It seemed to only do it from takeoff. On the open road and in the upper gears, she ran just fine. The bike has cycle shack slip ons and a screamin eagle filter. I've heard bad things about the SE filters and I'm thinking about switching to a K&N ( I like the stock look - ham can ).....good idea ?

    I'm just trying to get a basic collection of tools for now, because I don't have much money left, lol.
  2. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    a good basic kit would be
    wrenches 3/8 to 1inch
    allen wrench set
    torque driver set
    cresent wrench
    then add to it as you see fit...............:)
  3. Art_NJr

    Art_NJr New Member

    Mar 16, 2008
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    North Carolina
    All you really need to wok on the carb is a new Phillips screwdriver. I use one with a magnetic shaft & bit holder so you can change from one type bit to another & always be able to replace a worn one - the screws on the carb are easy to strip & if you use an old worn screwdriver they will. Of course you'll need other tools to work on the bike too & Chuck's list - including the factory service manual - will serve you well. Be nice to have the Snap-On tool truck in your driveway but you don't need it for normal service work.

    The needle is the cause of the "carb farts" but if you bought the kit with a new needle, it should solve that problem. And the 1st SE air filter setup for the '04-up bikes came with a junk filter that got holes in it right away, but they finally fixed that with a K&N filter. Your dealer should have the new filter.
  4. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    Hey Chuck you forgot the most important tool

    A bigg ass rubber hammer/mallet

    That way yhou can whack the crap out of something to get it off or make it fit LOL

    Actually use one to loosen up the exhaust that have stuck on.

    Add a tool pouch so you can put some of these in it for on the road in case you need to get to something to get you home.

    Blue Locktite (med strength)
    Red Locktite (Max strength) don't confuse the two.

    Basic set of sockets SAE
    10 mm Open end to get the battery cables off the battery
    basic set of allens, manual and get a set of sockets
    Same for Torx get sockets
    Spark plug removal socket
    10MM 12 point for brake bolts
    basic set of open end wrenches (sears)

    Find a harbor freight store near you, tools are cheaper, yeah they are not Snap On or Mac but you are not making a living with these.
  5. Buckeye47Fan

    Buckeye47Fan New Member

    Jul 6, 2008
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    Thank you guys, I appreciate all the advice.
  6. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    Forgot, 3/4 inch open or adj to remove breather head bolts, at least I seem to recall it's 3/4

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