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Where Can I Buy CV Performance Products?

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by John In NH, Nov 26, 2021.

  1. John In NH

    John In NH New Member

    Nov 26, 2021
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    Hey everyone... I'm new to this forum. I'm trying to purchase a CV Performance "Premium Tuners Kit" and a few other CVP items. There are no CVP retail outlets within 150 miles of me. None of the online sites listed on the CVP website carry the Premium Kit. Anyone know how I can get my hands on one of these???

    OR... Can anyone recommend an alternative HIGH QUALITY CV40 carburetor rebuild kit from a different manufacturer?

    Really anxious to get this carb rebuilt and back on the bike (1994 FLSTF).

    Thanks for any and all suggestions.
  2. carlos garcia

    carlos garcia New Member

    Sep 1, 2021
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    Beaumont, Ca
    For some reason, the premium carb rebuilt kit is not listed on the CVP website, however, if you do a search in a search engine, it will come up with the kit you are looking for on the CVP site. It is listed for $78.95 and states it also includes all the parts in their deluxe kit. If that does not work for you, give them a call, or you can buy those items separately on their website. When you are on their web site, only look under the heading of "Harley CV carb parts" and not under any of the headings below it.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2021

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