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Where do you classify yourself

Discussion in 'The Polling place' started by ironhorse, Jun 29, 2007.


where are you

Poll closed Jul 19, 2007.
  1. biker

    7 vote(s)
  2. motorcycle enthusiest

    12 vote(s)
  3. ain't got a clue

    12 vote(s)
  1. ironhorse

    ironhorse Active Member

    Sep 20, 2006
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    I'm everywhere, I'm everywhere
    been reading (sometimes I do that)scooter type mags and I came up with a new poll as there is some confusion as to where you are in the motorcycle world neither the government or the general cager seems to know one or the other and what they represent and the self classifacation may even confuse you.
  2. AFNurse

    AFNurse Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 8, 2004
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    Great Falls, MT or deployed to......
    I listed myself as enthusiast.... MANY may consider me a biker....have all the right clothes (black leather with patches), and ride in all weather and MOST of the time. Some of the things that I feel make me more of the entheusiest vs biker is lack of affiliation.... no MC, no organization, just independent. This is not saying that they fit the term biker either tho! ;) Not sure.... I just don't feel like I am the "definition of biker"..... I ride, I enjoy riding, I wear the gear.... does that make me a biker? maybe, maybe not....I definately enjoy riding, so feel I fit into enthusiast!
  3. Red Rider

    Red Rider Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2006
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    Churchill County, NV
    Ain't got a clue

    I had to go with the #3 because the others just don't work for me. Enthusiast just sounds, well, weird - no offense intended. Many other people think I'm a biker, especially when I walk into a diner from my bike with my long hair and muttonchops.....and I see the mothers warn their children and the whole rest. I remember entering a sushi bar (yeah, sushi - l worked out of Japan for 5 years) in Reno and all the lunchtime suit-wearing business crowd moved away like I was pointing a shotgun at 'em...and I have to admit I did enjoy their fear a little.:devil:

    But I also love taking my Jeep and ATV out to the wilds here and hunt and fish. Equal passion for that. And I "cowboy up" when I get the chance, but the flesh horses are not near as comfy as the iron ones, and my body just can't take much more abuse. Seven surgeries and counting....not counting the wound-patchings.

    I probably think of "biker" as a patch wearing, Hell's Angel or Mongol or such. I know most don't, or don't want to think that way, but thats me. The only colors I'll swear to wear are the Red, White & Blue. And I have, and I will, and I do. And I am not a tattoo guy, despite having sailed the Seven Seas (actually more than seven seas). I've plenty of scars, though, and like the adage goes: scars are tattoos with better stories.

    Conclusion: I simply think of myself as a man. I do enjoy watching people try to label me, though. Drives my Dad nuts - he's a big-time labeler and he just can't figure me out!:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
  4. 2fastnaz

    2fastnaz Moderator

    Sep 30, 2005
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    The Shores of Tonto Creek
    To me a biker is a 1% patch holder and that's not me.

    Like RR I spent some time in the Navy (5 years out of Yokosuka RR :cool: ) Sailors and bikers throw in truck drivers and you have the scum of the earth LOL. At one point in my life or another I've been all 3.

    I'm a biker, I look the part, I have a bikers (sailors) mouth, I just don't have the 1% attitude towards life.

    Red Rider when\where were you in Japan?? I was there 79-84 USS Knox.
  5. Red Rider

    Red Rider Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2006
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    Churchill County, NV
    I was with a unit at the Army's Torrii Station and with Task Force 76, both primarily on Okinawa, throughout the '90s. I did get up to Yokosuka, Camp Zama, Yokota, Sasebo and other places throughout Japan a good bit. Loved the "Blue Note" jazz club in Yoko - and they seemed to love me in there best when I was smoking fine cigars and drinking Jameson's Irish. Even the other customers did. Used to give out cigars to the locals in there and we'd smoke and drink till we couldn't :)puke: ). Fond memories of liberty there.
  6. SK

    SK New Member

    Mar 28, 2004
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    Las Vegas, NV
    I consider myself a motorcyclist..is that an enthusiast? I just love motorcycles, riding and collecting them (will always have multiple scoots). I quit wearing patches a while ago and don't like wearing a leather vest (too hot to wear most times any way)..so no biker here. And I wave at all passing folks on two wheels.
  7. ironhorse

    ironhorse Active Member

    Sep 20, 2006
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    I'm everywhere, I'm everywhere
    see what I mean:D it's all in how you are percieved not how we percieve ourselves makes you think though
  8. Panhead852

    Panhead852 New Member

    Jun 28, 2007
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    It"s hard to say when you"ve been there and back doing it all...101st Airborne in Nam 68 TeT...Bad attitude is hard to break!!! Beard,long hair,tattoo"s,Leather---Biker---Yes...But,,,with respect to All.
  9. voodoochild

    voodoochild New Member

    Dec 8, 2006
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    Stanton, NJ
    Hmmmm, biker, enthusiast, no clue..... I don't know if I fit any of those things. I've always loved Harleys, been around my uncle who was a Pagan for years, ridin bikes since I was a kid, but not a streetbike of my own until 38yo. Where does that put me? I love to ride my bike, got a shaved head, tattoos, bad attitude, never served in the armed forces, never been in a club, love the USA, but always hold the door for the old ladies and respect others. I don't think I fit anywhere......That's Ok with me. I've always done my own thing, my own way, regardless of what people think. I live in a rich yuppie neighborhood, and am not received well because of my appearance and attitude, unless you know me. Oh well, can someone tell me where I fit?! :roflmao:
  10. Panhead852

    Panhead852 New Member

    Jun 28, 2007
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    Well after serving in the military it gives you a different out look on life..And I think the person is what they are and they will fit were they feel the most comfortable at....You don"t have to go around kicking mirrors off cars or scaring little old ladies (smile)..but,,be who you are and find your place..
  11. voodoochild

    voodoochild New Member

    Dec 8, 2006
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    Stanton, NJ
  12. fubar

    fubar New Member

    Jun 19, 2007
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    first of all i dont really worry what people think cause most dont do it most the time .sec i had long hair 16" braid before i cut hair and shaved. i have alot of ink on me, i know a number of patch holder im not one .as a rule people have mixed feelings about me they know im indepentent i work hard (gc i.e. general contractor).attiture yea i guess one of my referances tells if they piss me off ill go fishing thats fine with me too, biker i suppose meaning i enjoy riding sure every night or when i can. i spent along time in a cast 14 month because a car hit me i didnt ride for along time cause it took till i was 42 yrs old to mature:roflmao: yes i open doors too .my wife think im a softy but lol of course we all wear mask

    SPORSTERBOY New Member

    Mar 26, 2006
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    spokane, wa.
    Not A Clue. Lone Wolf, It's All Gettin A Little Comercial For Me. Bunch Of Money Hungry Folks Out There Ready To Exploit Everyone.
  14. kenfuzed

    kenfuzed Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Las Vegas NV
    Can I pick all three? :roflmao:

    Seriously though, I'd consider myself more of an enthusiast than any of the others. What's interesting is that most patch-wearing "bikers" I've known would decline to answer this question, which makes any sort of classification hard to pin down.
  15. voodoochild

    voodoochild New Member

    Dec 8, 2006
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    Stanton, NJ
    This question was posed on another board I used to frequent. It's amazing how many "bikers" are out there. AND, did you know there are more classifications of "biker" out there? There's hard core and regular, kinda like coffee. :D I don't frequent that board anymore just because of the attitude of them. If you didn't rob, rape and pillage everyday you weren't a "biker". That thread went on for months with people getting all pissy and everything. That's about when I couldn't take the fakeness anymore and had to leave. You had guys on there claiming to be "bikers", but would then post in other areas of the forum that they were making 200K a year?? I ain't never met a "biker" that held an office job making that kind of money?! Like stated by others here, just be yourself and the hell with what others think. I teach my kids that its more important to be a good person than to be what others want you to be. Think and say of me what you will, it makes no difference. With my pipes.....I can't hear you anyway! :roflmao:

    Luckily, on this board, we don't have those guys.
  16. fubar

    fubar New Member

    Jun 19, 2007
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    :roflmao: rob, rape and pillage that funny voodoo i understand where u were goin tho .when i was a kid my mom and dad raised me in a bar in baldwin park cal.
    called the twin gables its was a vagoes bar with there club next door those bikers were kool u know i never remember them or my dads friends riding up on there harleys and dead staring at everyone lol but i see that at times now, must be those bikers thatmake 200k a yr. roflmao
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2007
  17. Peyts

    Peyts New Member

    May 4, 2007
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    Calgary, Alberta
    Biker or enthusiast... I think that I am somewhere in between the two. I see an enthusiast as a kind of Weekend Warrior biker, like a guy who buys an expensive biker, knows nothing about it and little about riding, but enjoys feeling "cool" on the bike. That ain't me.

    I do wear a patch on my back, but it isn't even close to any 1% club thing. The group I belong to is the CAV (Canadian Army Veterans) Motorcycle Unit... we ride together and have fun together. A lot of rough looking people in the group, but all great people.

    Do I look like a mean bast*rd? Yup.
    Am I actually a teddy bear? Yup.
    Do I have ink? Yup. Lots. And getting more.
    Do I ride a Harley? Yup. But not always... you don't have to ride a Harley to be a biker.
    Is my bike loud? Yup, you betcha!
    Do I ride hard? Hell yeah!
    Do I wear a patch? Yup, and with pride (as described above).
    Am I a biker? Absolutely!
    Am I a 1%er? Not a chance.
  18. Panhead852

    Panhead852 New Member

    Jun 28, 2007
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    You Know...It"s interesting to read all this, I guess you can say I also fly colors But,....they aren"t on my back!!!!!...thay are in my heart,my mind and are for freedom and the open road. When I"m in the wind it"s not only for myself but, for my Fallen Comrades in Armes....
  19. cowboy

    cowboy Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 19, 2006
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    Alvin TX
    I put a vote on #3 like most here have said it all & it all sound's close to what I 've done for years except cut my hair , again (I did cut it when my youngest daughter got married ) but it grown back out now , I have ink & ear ring been riding for over 40 years & never have worn a patch , But have drank a beer or two with some 1% ters in my time so A part time rider I 'am not , But if enjoying the wind in my face, loud pipes , & freedom is being a Biker then I guess that's it ,
  20. ironhorse

    ironhorse Active Member

    Sep 20, 2006
    Likes Received:
    I'm everywhere, I'm everywhere
    I don't wear a patch nether hung with a few patch holders from some percenters H.A., booze fighters, etc, and also had a few beers with the vets, am I a biker.. to some, am I an enthusiest maybe to others, but to me I am just an individual that enjoys time in the saddle, horse, or bike plenty of time in both.but it is interesting reading the responses. one of the reasons I like this site.:)

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