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Where in the hell

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by Parkey, Jan 11, 2010.

  1. Parkey

    Parkey New Member

    Jan 4, 2010
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    Middle of Nowhere
    Say that you were late 40's and wanted to relocate in the USA,tell me the best place you have lived or where you live.I need a warmer climate,3-4 months not ridin is killin me.I have 2 elementary aged kids so schools are important.I'm a tri-axle driver by trade,with some machinist skills.My lady is a RN so maybe she'll take care of me!I'm used to some space living in Indiana but I might adapt,tired of takin care of the big yard and woods.Palm trees are a plus I'm told.Obvious answer is Fla.,curious about western reaches.Any input or suggestions would be appreciated...:confused:thanks
  2. sarge7

    sarge7 New Member

    Jan 12, 2009
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    NE Indiana
    wide open reaches rule out southern Cal. - go to make a turn and some driver will run over ya.
    Northern Fl. - not to crowded - but has loads of bugs in the summer and hurricanes.
    HI. - great weather year around - no place to go - only 4 hours around Ohau and yer back where ya started - after two or three times it's old stuff.
    OR. - Not to bad - big Mts. to climb - volcanos to dodge - wet climate in the winter months.
    AZ. - Wide open spaces - lots of critters out on the roads at night. - and illegals running in front of yer headlites after dark.
    NM. - Same as AZ.
    TX. - Same as NM. - except ya got chuck and cardboard to ride with.
    LA.-Miss.- ALA. - Not to bad back them people shut the road down when they get a little ice or cold weather.
    Ya pays your money and takes yer pick.:roflmao:
  3. cowboy

    cowboy Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 19, 2006
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    Alvin TX
    somewhere not to far from Houston /galvaston TX if your wife is a RN there work & your a driver theres work ,I'am about 30 so of Hou & about the same west of Gal , Theres two good Hospital in gal & about a dozen or so in Hou & a few in between them , can ride most of the time start a day in leathers & by noon your out of them ,
    sarge7 is right about AZ , cal cost way to much to live there , NM wages are not that bad & can ride all but about 2 months totol year round , I from there & live here in TX about 30 yrs now
  4. Parkey

    Parkey New Member

    Jan 4, 2010
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    Middle of Nowhere
    Sarge,lived in Tacoma for 2 years,loved it except for 11 1/2 months of rain per year,lol,but it never got too cold.Really like northern Fla.,but havn't been there much in the summer.Hotter than hades last May in Naples,but the locals says after 2 years your blood thins and you're all set.Livin in Indiana,we both know about nite critters on the road.I suspose hittin an illegal is similar to smokin a deer,not a good idea on 2 wheels!Definately goin to check Az,NM,Texas out,hopefully bike trip late summer in place of Sturgis this year.Hiked in the Cimmarron mts as a teenager,bout my only experience in that part of the country.Driving jobs to be had in that part of the country,cowboy?Pretty thin here,lots of hungry people...
  5. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    FL is nice if you like 365 days a year possible riding days.
    oh no state income tax
    TN is nice, you might loose some riding days
    but no income tax and you can truck that bike out of state.

    Don't care for Ca - while I like the people and the state, the laws, immigration, taxes, make it pretty much a non option, lived there too for several years...

    Nevada is a great state as well, as long as you don't have a gambling habit...
  6. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    Actually the pacific Northwest does not rain 11 1/2 months a year, depends on where you live. Seattle gets more than we do down in Portland Oregon Area. We pretty much do ride year around. There are no volcanoes spewing sense MT St Helen's blew up back in the 80's and they don't expect any more. The riding here is probable some of the best in the entire country. I've rode in most areas out west and still can't find an area that is better.
    We do get rain but that's how this place stays so beautiful and there are lots of outdoor activities (great fishing, hunting, skiing, boating, or just about anything you want) beautiful riding areas in the mountains, valleys or coast. Western portion the temps are much milder than the eastern. Yesterday the Oregon coast from Astoria to Coos Bay was 64 degrees and sunny. The temp here this week is running about 48-52 so not bad for January. I can't think of a better place to live. We have some friends who moved to Arizonia 2 years ago and she wants to move back and her husband is stuck in his job for now. We have had 1 inch of snow this year which lasted about one afternoon, which is typical of what we normally get.
    Lots of Driving jobs including cement work. Just my 2 cents worth.
  7. Parkey

    Parkey New Member

    Jan 4, 2010
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    Middle of Nowhere
    Prolly stretched it a bit with the 11 1/2 months,I remember it rained alot,but it didn't bother you,you just got used to it.We rode or did whatever.I was in Ft.Lewis on May 18th 1980,thought it was the end of the world,Reagan was in office and I saw a big mushroom cloud to the south,spooky stuff.I remember camping in the Cascades around Snoquamy pass,was some of the most beautiful forests I have ever seen,I got sent to Germany or I might still be there.Wonder why your friend wants to come back?Temperture or does she miss the green.Thanks for your 2 cents.
  8. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    Yep, she misses the green, less bugs, and everywhere they go for a ride they run into hot dry weather. Funny they don't ride much even there during the winter months. I suppose no matter where you live its what you get used to, except for lots of snow couldn't handle that.
  9. Parkey

    Parkey New Member

    Jan 4, 2010
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    Middle of Nowhere
    TN is beautiful,didn't know about income tax.Property tax in Fla seemed cheaper than what I'm used to.I think you have to be rich to consider movin to CA.Went to Vegas in November,came back 5 days later,so broke I couldn't pay attention!:gah:
  10. Hot01

    Hot01 Active Member

    May 17, 2004
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    Northern Colorado
    Colorado, just east of the Rockies, or maybe on the Western Slope as well, is better than you think. Well, not this year, but last year there was a lot of riding during the winter months. This year has been cold. Taxes suck. I spent a summer in Portland, OR and loved it. I do miss the green. FLHT is making Oregon sound really good...
  11. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    Abby, we have a great and very active Ladies of Harley group in our HOG chapter.
    The MSF program here in Oregon is pretty much or is non-existent but the Team Oregon training pretty much runs 10 month out of the year and is very active and busy.

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