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Who am i?????????

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by chucktx, Aug 11, 2011.

  1. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    Who Am I?

    I was born in one country, raised in another.

    My father was born in another country.

    I was not his only child.

    He fathered several children with numerous women.

    I became very close to my mother, as my father showed no interest in me.

    My mother died at an early age from cancer.

    Although my father deserted me and my mother raised me, I later wrote a book idolizing my father not my mother.

    Later in life, questions arose over my real name.

    My birth records were sketchy.

    No one was able to produce a legitimate, reliable birth certificate.

    I grew up practicing one faith but converted to
    Christianity, as it was widely accepted in my new country, but I practiced non-traditional beliefs and didn't follow Christianity, except in
    the public eye under scrutiny.

    I worked and lived among lower-class people as a young adult, disguising myself as someone who really cared about them.

    That was before I decided it was time to get serious about my life and embarked on a new career.

    I wrote a book about my struggles growing up.

    It was clear to those who read my memoirs, that I had difficulties accepting that my father abandoned me as a child.

    I became active in local politics in my 30's then, with help behind the scenes, I literally burst onto the scene as a candidate for national office in my 40s.

    They said I had a golden tongue and could talk anyone into anything.

    I had a virtually non-existent resume, little work history, and no experience in leading a single organization.

    Yet I was a powerful speaker and citizens were drawn to me, as though I were a magnet and they were small roofing tacks.

    I drew incredibly large crowds during my public appearances.

    This bolstered my ego.

    At first, my political campaign focused on my country's foreign policy...

    I was very critical of my country in the last war, and seized every opportunity to bash my country.

    But what launched my rise to national prominence were my views on the country's economy.

    I pretended to have a really good plan on how we could do better, and every poor person would be fed and housed for free.

    I knew which group was responsible for getting us into this mess.

    It was the free market, banks and corporations.

    I decided to start making citizens hate them and, if they became envious of others who did well, the plan was clinched tight.

    I called mine "A People's Campaign".

    That sounded good to all people.

    I was the surprise candidate because I emerged from outside the traditional path of politics and was able to gain widespread popular support.

    I knew that, if I merely offered the people 'hope', together we could change our country and the world.

    So, I started to make my speeches sound like they were on behalf of the downtrodden, poor, ignoran t to include "persecuted minorities".

    My true views were not widely known and I kept them unknown, until after I became my nation's leader.

    I had to carefully guard reality, as anybody could have easily found out what I really believed, if they had simply read my writings and examined
    those people associated with. I'm glad they didn't.

    Then I became the most powerful man in the world.

    And then the world learned the truth.

    Who am I?


    If you were thinking of SOMEONE ELSE, you should be scared, very scared!
  2. cowboy

    cowboy Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 19, 2006
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    Alvin TX
    Obumer I mean Obama , what a low life
  3. joshbob

    joshbob Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2010
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    Hobgood, N.C.
    He don't scare me. America is too great to let one measly politician get away with it for long. We still have THE CONSTITUTION!
  4. Fatboy128

    Fatboy128 Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2011
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    Long Island, NY
    Ya all know how termites work right? They just chew away at the house year after year. chomp, chomp, chomp. Little bit of the house at a time. They keep going. They take breaks once in a while then continue from where they leave off. Meanwhile the structure of the house gets weaker and weaker. The lazy homeowner figures "what the heck, it's only a little bit their eating", "they need to eat also!" The smart, diligent home owners take action and poison the little bastards to get rid of 'em. Soon we hear things like "Watergate Break-in?, I had nothing to do with it". "It's not my fault, it's the Demo's fault" "Read my lips. No new taxes". "It's not my fault it's the republicans fault". "I never had sex with that woman". "No national day of prayer". It's not my fault, it's Busch's fault". Chomp, chomp, chomp.
  5. JohnnyBiker

    JohnnyBiker Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2010
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  6. joshbob

    joshbob Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2010
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    Hobgood, N.C.
    Some good points, Fatboy. But our constitution is still in pretty good shape. I've been studing it some lately. We do have a man in the Whitehouse surrounded by advisors who are trying to change us into socialists by ruining our economy. They won't last long, even though they have done some damage, like the termites. The poison that works on them is to vote them out of office. If we don't, then we deserve what we get.
  7. Fatboy128

    Fatboy128 Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2011
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    Long Island, NY
    Amen brother!
  8. baggerpaul

    baggerpaul Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2011
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    south fl.
    Get a real God fearing man in the white house and some in congress . and run this country with the values it was founded on a then you will see this country turn around . till then we need to keep strong and vote them out till it happens.I want to keep my jesus my guns and my kids free to pray if they like and if my two boys want to read the bible in school they should be able to . but the koran is allowed to be read at any school and the bible is not . thats just burns my ass . yes im a christian and i cuss and i like a cold beer and i smoke . thats not what makes you a good christian its resting i the acompleshments of christ that does . judeo christian values is what those men that brouht this country together to be what it was !!! not what it has become and not what these men and women over seas are fighting for today. that burns my ass as well i have a high school boy who has been in rotc for 3 years now . and he is going to join as well just to make a diffrence and for what he thinks is correct i let him make those calls on his own . i hope he can make a diffrence . some times its one vote sometimes its one person . makes me proud and scared at the same time , my view pray and vote . God bless the men and women over seas and this great nation. amen
  9. cowboy

    cowboy Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 19, 2006
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    Alvin TX
    That 's so true baggerpaul thanks for letting us know how you feel :) God & Country

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