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Why wasn't this on the news?

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by CD, Aug 30, 2005.

  1. CD

    CD Guest

  2. SK

    SK New Member

    Mar 28, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Las Vegas, NV
    What a cool story CD. I can't recall ever reading a story like that in the newspaper or on the evening news.

    My brother-in-law's brother is a Colonel in the US Army and spent a good deal of time in Iraq..he's been back in Germany for about a year now. My sister has forwarded me a couple of emails he sent from Iraq before he had to stop sending them because they were some how ending up in the newspaper..misquoted. He told of stories of how the soldiers were helping Iraqis and all the good they were doing. He said he'd get pissed at times because these good feel stories weren't making the news, and mostly what we hear is the bad stuff..like Abu Graib (which no doubt was a few bad soldiers making the majority look bad). He told of being told to tone it down when he complained of lack of armour and protective vests. As a soldier who graduated 1st in his class at West Point, he's gone up the military ladder fairly quick, but has to be careful what he says and does or he'll never get that elusive star on his shoulder. But he's loved by his men for sticking by them through thick and thin. I salute my bro-in-law's brother Peter as a man of honor..just that most won't know about it.
  3. CD

    CD Guest

    :mad: This started with the television reporters in the Vietnam war. Dan Rather's and his ilk never missed an opportunity to slam us and distort the truth.

    Why tell the truth about a hero when you can sensationalize some idiots treatment of Iragi's in a jail full of suspected criminals. Truth is, they will play to the target audience, distort the facts when needed and leave out the stories of heroism because it cools the very flames of those that oppose everything except what they want and think you need.
  4. SK

    SK New Member

    Mar 28, 2004
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    Las Vegas, NV
    I noticed in the news recently that more journalists have been killed in Iraq than the whole Vietnam war. I guess we can make what we want out of that. I think I'll keep my mouth shut. :rolleyes:
  5. CD

    CD Guest

    Hmmm, were the majority Liberal or Conservative?

    There may be an answer in there somewhere.;)

    Actually, there are some pretty brave souls going into those hot spots with the desire to report the truth. Doesn't really matter what your political affiliation was if you don't make it out alive. :(

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