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Will USGP TV coverage continue to suck What you can do

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by TVMoto, Jul 19, 2007.

  1. TVMoto

    TVMoto New Member

    Jul 19, 2007
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    This weekend the USGP will be bringing the world’s fastest bikes and most talented riders to Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca once again. And once again, U.S. television coverage of this most exciting motorcycle event will be lame at best.

    TV Moto would like to be at the track, bringing you the best action, commentary, pit interviews and behind-the-scenes stories, but Dorna Sports, the Spanish company that controls MotoGP, has refused to do business with us and has continued to censor our original story on the return of the USGP in 2005.

    Dorna even got YouTube to pull the show on a copyright claim, despite the fact that thousands of other copyrighted MotoGP clips are currently posted by other YouTube users.

    All TV Moto has tried to do is show the American people why motorcycle grand prix racing is the most exciting motorsport around. Dorna doesn’t seem to have any appreciation or respect for MotoGP’s American audience. They misled us; blocked our efforts to work with Laguna Seca, Yamaha and Red Bull; and then literally stole our proposal for a television time buy on ABC last year. Red Bull tried to help us out, but Dorna wouldn’t play ball no matter what. As uncooperative as Dorna was, Speed TV was the most pathetic—we offered them The Return of the USGP for FREE as a pre-race show and Speed couldn’t even get it together enough to respond until a month after the race! This, my friends, is the sad state of motorcycle TV in America. This is why we have to do something, now.


    The only way to create quality motorcycle television is with the support of motorcycle fans like you. We have begun a grassroots campaign to show the networks, manufacturers and race management companies that the people want more and better motorcycle programming. You want to see all the action as well as top-quality commentary, background stories and interviews.

    And not just for racing but for all things motorcycle—we know you want exciting, well-written shows that cover the newest bikes and gear, travel and touring, lifestyle, stunting, maintenance and tips, custom bikes, amateur and pro competition of every sort, kids and bikes, training, and more. We know you want it because we want it. We at TV Moto are video production professionals with years of experience and a passion for motorcycles. We need your help to succeed.

    We’ve posted demos of a few of our projects-in-development, including a dirtbike training video for young kids, a training project with Danny Walker of American Supercamp, and out-takes from a recent shoot with the TV Moto girls. We’ll be posting interview clips with Kenny Roberts, Sr., Wayne Rainey, Nicky Hayden, and other greats in coming weeks. A World Superbike review, moto-travelog and motorcycle magazine show are also in the works. AND TV Moto is currently in discussion with a major regional online motorcycle forum about joining forces to create the mother of all motorcycle web portals.

    Be a part of this grassroots movement to build a great motorcycle TV network. Help us show the powers that be that the public wants high-quality, intelligent motorcycle programming. We want to build a network that responds to you and your interests, not to some billion-dollar corporation in Spain.

    ===Bike Talk EDIT====

    A portion of this posting has been edited to remove unsolicited advertising. While Bike Talk certain supports motorsports of all types, we do not allow posting of advertising links without prior permission.

    ===End Edit===

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    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 29, 2007
  2. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    what, if any of the flat track series will you be featuring??? national, regional, local????

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