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'03 883XLH No Spark-need help!?

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by nimonicdaemon, Dec 17, 2004.

  1. nimonicdaemon

    nimonicdaemon New Member

    Dec 17, 2004
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    '03 883XLH Oil filling saddle tank?!

    Yeah, yeah, yeah, right... I know it was stupid, but one nite I cranked it and left it running (as I got very distracted

    I returned to find the bike dead, the battery discharged. It has not run since.

    1. I checked for gas, ok;
    2. recharged battery;
    3. checked for plug spark, NOT ok;
    4. checked 15 amp fuses, all ok;
    5. checked ignition coil primary got 2.9 ohms;
    6. checked secondary of coil got 11 Kilohms;
    7. changed plugs new;
    8. checked 12volt supply on supply side voltage wire to coil primary was ok; other side goes to "integral stator timing module";
    9. with multi-meter on freq mode checked for frequency signal from timing module to coil, w/o plugs, free spinning on starter and got 400 hz signal? seems its doing something like maybe a square wave sig
    10. plug wires checked good (stock)

    Thanks for help...now I've got my saddle tank fiiling up with oil???
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2004
  2. dutch

    dutch New Member

    Mar 25, 2004
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    If the bike was left running it may have generated enough heat to cook the module. The only other thing in the mix is the bank angle sensor. Dutch
  3. nimonicdaemon

    nimonicdaemon New Member

    Dec 17, 2004
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    Integral Timing Module

    is there any way of testing the module...?

    Realizing it is a pulse generator I put a frequency meter on its output to the ignition coil and rolled the engine with the plugs removed. The frequency meter indicated a 800 hz signal which for a dual fire system would be twice the engine rpm or rather to say 400 cranking rpm. That, to me would indicate the module is at least reading the crankshaft's trigger wheel and pulsing an output to the coil of "voltage on - voltage off"


  4. nimonicdaemon

    nimonicdaemon New Member

    Dec 17, 2004
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    changed the timing module and gapped the plugs a little more and got spark.

    found gasoline system plugged...introduced gas directly intom carb and voila...she fired up.

    seems as though the fuel system is plugged in the carb

    also... with just the little bit of firing I did without the gas tank connected and the air filter off, the oil backed up in the saddle tank!!
  5. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    Drain the tank and drain the carb, get the petcock out and get the filter trap cleaned or replaced.

    Did you try putting it on Reserve to see if fuel flowed to the carb so it would run?
  6. nimonicdaemon

    nimonicdaemon New Member

    Dec 17, 2004
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    yea, I drained and cleaned the tank, disassembled and cleaned the carb with straight carb cleaner (3 times)... she runs but the EV carb low speed circuit or my timing is off. it performs at 2500rpm and up but below this misses.. I'm suspecting my timing is off and I see I'm supposed to have a "timing plug" so I can stobe the crank... oh, well thanks and I think I'll just keep playing with it.

  7. maxpower_hd

    maxpower_hd Active Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    See if you can borrow a module from someone to test it. I know it sounds stupid but this has happenned to me with two different evo Sportsters. The ignition would miss intermitantly. I chased a bunch of things until I finally borrowed a module and that fixed it. It then happened again a few years later and I went straight to the module and it was it again.

    I wouldn't think you're timing would be off on a bike so new unless it was changed for some reason. You may also want to check your wires with an ohm meter to be sure there isn't a small break somewhere. A shop manual has all the specs. I can look them up if you need them. I don't have the book in front of me.

    Good Luck!
  8. nimonicdaemon

    nimonicdaemon New Member

    Dec 17, 2004
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    timing...HD883 (2003)

    The timing would be affected by just changing the magnetic pickup. This pickup is adjustable clockwise-cntrclockwise, by about 20 degress my guess. The engine runs well above 2000 rpms yet sputters and stalls (sometimes) at very low rpm and especially when also in low gear (in town, stop and go).

    Doing things the hard way not having a "timing plug" to look at the crank timing marks. I retard or advance and ride and check performance and hope to hit a good setting.


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