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1998 Sportster problem

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by K9Tex, Sep 22, 2007.

  1. wvak47

    wvak47 Active Member

    Aug 29, 2007
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    Chas WV
    K9Tex, does your bike have the digital odometer/tripmeter? I don't know about the 98s but I found the 2000 had it thought I would ask. If so there is a built in diagnostic on the bike.
  2. K9Tex

    K9Tex New Member

    Sep 21, 2007
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    When coil is replaced does the computer(ICM) have to reset it self?...Weirdest thing I replaced the ICM. the cam sensor then the coil...After replacing coil still had same thing happen...Then we ran some more tests and unplugged the coil to make sure power was getting to it then we plugged the (the same new coil that did not fix the problem) coil back in and POOF the bike started and stayed running...But nothing else was done to it after we put the new coil in...So we where wondering maybe the ICM had to reset it self...We did run a manual diagnostic...Don't think that would of done anything?...Although still have not taken it out for a ride, it is now dark and I don't want to break down at night....Thanks...

  3. K9Tex

    K9Tex New Member

    Sep 21, 2007
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    "K9Tex, does your bike have the digital odometer/tripmeter? I don't know about the 98s but I found the 2000 had it thought I would ask. If so there is a built in diagnostic on the bike."

    Yes, it does but it is reading no codes present....When we ran it the light just blinked 11 times then would stop then blink 11 times again...I'm sure it is electrical now because when it happens I lose spark...but it is not giving me any code...Very weird...I will find out tomorrow afternoon if it will stay running on the road....And if it does I will have to guess it was the coil pack but if so it is still strange because when we first put the new one in it did not fix the problem...


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