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1999 Kawasaki Vulcan Nomad 1500 Keihin G432

Discussion in 'CVP Stage 1 Tuners Kit' started by Furfishfun, Oct 17, 2017.

  1. Furfishfun

    Furfishfun Member

    Oct 17, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Hi Guys,
    I have a 1999 Kawasaki Vulcan Nomad 1500 V-twin, with a Keihin G432 carb. It has Vance and Hines aftermarket pipes and a K&N air filter. The bike pretty much falls on its face in the pilot range of the throttle control. I have tried replacing the original pilot screw with the EZ adj. screw from CV Performance. I have tried adjusting it in the range of 2-3 turns out, without resolution. I would like to order the CV Performance Tuners kit, but I don't know if it will fit my bike. I have checked the website, emailed, and tried calling the company to verify that these parts will fit, but I have had no luck. I think that it is a 40mm carb, but I can't confirm, as it is still on the bike. I don't believe that the carb has been apart in almost 20 years, so I am also planning on buying an ultrasonic cleaner to get the varnish out. If anyone can confirm parts compatibility, or add any advice, please do so.

  2. kenfuzed

    kenfuzed Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Las Vegas NV
    Unfortunately the EZ-Just (mixture screw) is one of the few items shared between your carb and a Harley CV carburetor. Our tuners kit won't work.

    Chances are there is a clog in one of the air/fuel passages that travel between the mixture screw, pilot jet, and front air inlet hole. This is described on our troubleshooting page, even though its a different Keihin carburetor that internal circuit should be the same.

    It could also be a crack or pin hole in the slide diaphragm, or a bad accelerator pump diaphragm.

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